Weekly review: Week ending September 7, 2012
Posted: - Modified: | weeklyGetting ready for my trip! This was my first week without consulting commitments, and I think I made great use of the time. I spent time focusing on helping my network out. I also learned a lot about Android development. I’ve been getting ready for my trip, too. Good progress!
From last week’s plans
Connect: Revise slides for Quantified Self conference[X]
Connect: Set up Bay Area get-togethers[X]
Build: Write/draw six month business review, plans for next six months[X]
Connect: Clear my inbox[X]
Connect: Help with project O- Build: Learned more about Android development!
- Connect: Helped friends with their job searches
- Connect: Stuffed people’s profiles into Evernote
- Earn: Helped E1 with theme
- Build: Asked accountant/bookkeeper to review my books
Cook a lot of food[X]
Get ready for flight[X]
Get my phone unlocked – have the code, still need to test it[X]
Send snail mail birthday cards- Lent Emma an iron and a cake pan
Draw monthly review[-]
Draw yearly review[X]
Return library items before I go away- Scanned our recipes into Evernote
- Learned more about working with Evernote
Plans for next week
[ ]
Connect: Help out with Quantified Self conference – organizers, volunteers[ ]
Build: Finalize presentation
[ ]
Buy supplements for my parents[ ]
Spend time with my parents, sister, and brother-in-law[ ]
Meet up with other people in the Bay Area
[ ]
Finish packing[ ]
Draw[ ]
Share lots of notes
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