Weekly review: Week ending September 28, 2012
| weeklyMy first week back from the trip was packed with lots of good stuff! Got everything important checked off. =) I nearly had a calendar mixup on Monday, but fortunately (a) my phone buzzed the reminder, and (b) the people I was going to meet could patch me in via Skype. Yay! I think that was because I hadn’t done my weekly review until Tuesday, so upcoming events weren’t on my radar. I’ll keep tweaking my calendar setup until reminders work well for me.
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Fix IE7 bug[X]
Earn: E1: Periodically check in to see if they’re doing okay[X]
Connect: Empty my inbox[X]
Connect: Debrief from QS conference[X]
Connect: Put together sketchnotes from conference[X]
Connect: Meet Gregor Bingham and consider personal coaching[X]
Connect: Take sketchnotes at Entrepreneurship 101 lecture series at MaRS[X]
Connect: Check in with project O[X]
Connect: Put together a Drupal prototype for the directory[X]
Build: Start SNA course at Coursera
Spend time with W-[X]
Catch up with the people I promised to catch up with[X]
Cuddle the cats![X]
Give J- bento accessories and the purse Ching sent- Back to cooking, yay!
Re-enable my library requests[X]
Break out the cool-weather clothes- Got back to biking, yay!
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1: Consult (2 days a week)[ ]
Earn: Reconnect with Beverly regarding Hardlines talk[ ]
Connect: Attend Entrepreneurship 101 course at MaRS on Wednesday[ ]
Connect: Attend #torontob2b meetup on Thursday[X]
Connect: O: Add “zero out donation” feature”[X]
Connect: Attend WordCamp Toronto 2012 and share sketchnotes[X]
Connect: Clean up my address book and start organizing contacts[ ]
Build: Figure out if I can submit assignments to Coursera SNA course[X]
Build: Learn more about the Google Contacts API[X]
Build: Prepare for my first fiscal year end!
Enjoy anniversary dinner at Pho Hung[X]
Help clean the carpet[ ]
Cook a new recipe[ ]
Attend Eric Boyd’s housewarming[ ]
Get things ready for Dan’s visit
[ ]
Exercise (long walks, weights, monkey bars)[X]
Get back into the rhythm of using the library
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