Sketchnotes from #ENT101: IP Management – Creating Value by Protecting Knowledge-based Assets – Nathaniel Lipkus, Matthew Powell, Ashlee Froese

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20121121 ENT101 - IP Management - Creating Value by Protecting Knowledge-based Assets - Nathaniel Lipkus, Matthew Powell, Ashlee Froese

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MaRS Entrepreneurship 101 Nov 21, 2012 # ENT101
IP MANAGEMENT: Creating Value by Protecting Knowledge Based Assets

NATHANIEL LIPKUS, Intellectual property
ASHLEE FROESE, trademarks

Do you use NDAs instead of stronger intellectual property protections?

Non-disclosure agreement costs a ton to enforce !

ONLY 20% of Canadian science /tech businesses – IP protection

Types: Patent, Trademark, Trade secret, Design, Copyright

IP has value!

design around
Control over how an advantage reaches customers

ex: do you need to reinvent the smartphone?

Is it patentable? New, Useful, Non-obvious

Process for sharpening images
Picture copyright

Patent laws <– Strict !!
Public disclosure
Use (ex: commercial)
offering for sale
actually selling it

Patent –> making something PUBLIC in exchange for control

Claims – Patent

Patents are granted on a per-country basis
Patent fee deferrals
Patent cooperation treaty –> options to file (30 months!)

Patent process 1 2 3 4 5
1. Understand inventorship & ownership
2. Prepare patent application
3. File the patent
4. Negotiate with examiner
5. Granted !

That’s too broad
Okay how about this?

Patents Vs. Trade Secret (Shhh…)
Public | can’t stop independent
control | others can protect details
that can be reverse engineered

Your company reputation!
Not just names
mass of consumers

Non-traditional trademarks
3D designs, Colour, Sound ex: M&M Lion, distinguishing guise: Nesquick bottle: bunnies!

Generic -> Descriptive -> Suggestive -> Coined

Some exceptions:
The Beer Store
The more distinctive, the easier to protect.

Do your due diligence! (Is this viable? What’s out there?)

Best way

#1 Trademark registration
–> formal ownership
–> easier litigation
–> can be renewed forever
–> useful for internet also www.
The Living Brand
Keep an eye on your brand
Use it

Ex: escalator, Zipper, Kleenex, Aspirin… becomes generic term!
Update as needed, audit what’s going on

Online: Other people w/trademarks, Cybersquatters
Reserve your space


1. Know your IP: Invention disclosures, spreadsheets

2. Ensure IP Ownership
Contracts — employees, contractors,etc.
Audit IP periodically
Start … … … …

Patents –> license? invalidate?
Trademarks –> license? modify?

Ex: Samsung vs. Apple
patents between user interface and hardware
Example: Gilead -] licensed HIV drugs to manufacturers in developing countries

Q: Lean Startup?
A: Few things can beat being first to market in some industries. Patents–> maintian competitive advantage
A: Don’t forget about IP benefits
A: Can file for proposed use –trademarks?
Q: Business method patents, patent trolls?
A: Not healthy.. Moral discussion? Hybrid–>research labs. Nonpractising entities
Software patents: seat at the table. Challenge with prior art. Problems with patent system.
Q: enforceability of software patents?
A: Yes, if valid.
A: Not algorithms, but processes.

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