Weekly review: Week ending November 9, 2012
| weeklyFeeling under the weather, but delighted that delegation is going well. Working on connecting with people, too. Good week for business idea validation!
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1: Tue, Wed, Thu[X]
Connect: Sketchnote WordCamp Developers 2012[X]
Connect: Follow up with Javed Khan (Empression)[X]
Connect: Talk to Myles Harrison about analytics[X]
Connect: Reach out to Todd and Lynne Waymon (Contacts Count)[X]
Connect: Tue: Attend $100 Startup book club at MaRS[X]
Connect: Wed: Sketchnote ING Direct panel “Innovatively Speaking”[-]
Connect: Catch up with Jeff Widman – postponed[X]
Build: Attend art class[-]
Build: Prepare talk and executive summary – working on it- Earn: Set up conference sketchnoting agreement
- Earn: Connect with N regarding illustration
- Connect: Volunteer for various events / groups
- Build: Delegated scheduling and research
- Build: Described projects
- Build: Post job descriptions for web scrapers, WordPress; interview applicants
- Connect: Designed and ordered business cards
Spend time at home
Plans for next week
[ ]
Earn: E1 Consulting – Tue/Wed/Thu[ ]
Earn: N illustration[ ]
Earn: Put together presentation[ ]
Connect: Eric Boyd (Mon)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Small Business Network meetup at the Toronto Reference Library (Tue)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Entrepreneurship 101 (Wed)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote #torontob2b (Thu)[ ]
Connect: Maria Marino (Fri)[ ]
Connect: Jason Varmazis (Fri)[ ]
Connect: Catch up on sketchnoting Entrepreneurship 101 (Sun)[ ]
Connect: Post my sketchnote review of book (Sun)[ ]
Connect: Follow up with Jeff Widman (?)[ ]
Connect: Follow up on scheduling[ ]
Build: Interview virtual assistants
[ ]
Spend time with W-[ ]
Get food sorted out: quiche, congee, soup, …
[ ]
Have massage
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