Weekly review: Week ending November 16, 2012
| weeklyI’ve been ramping up meetings and helping people out. This is good!
From last week’s plans
Earn: E1 Consulting – Tue/Wed/Thu[-]
Earn: N illustration – postponed[X]
Earn: Put together presentation[X]
Connect: Eric Boyd (Mon)[-]
Connect: Sketchnote Small Business Network meetup at the Toronto Reference Library (Tue) – cancelled, prioritized working on hardlines.ca presentation[X]
Connect: Sketchnote Entrepreneurship 101 (Wed)[X]
Connect: Sketchnote #torontob2b (Thu)[X]
Connect: Maria Marino (Fri)[X]
Connect: Jason Varmazis (Fri)[-]
Connect: Catch up on sketchnoting Entrepreneurship 101 (Sun)[-]
Connect: Post my sketchnote review of book (Sun)[X]
Connect: Follow up with Jeff Widman (?)[X]
Connect: Follow up on scheduling[X]
Build: Interview virtual assistants- Learned how to use RMagick to create a photo mosaic
- Worked on learning how to delegate some social media marketing, communications
- Talked to Cassie McDaniel about Women in Tech
Spend time with W-[X]
Get food sorted out: quiche, congee, soup, …
Have massage- Planted garlic
Plans for next week
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Earn: E1 – social business consulting – Tue, Wed, Thu[ ]
Earn: Draw banner for Lean Startup Day at MaRS (Fri)[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Rotman event[ ]
Connect: Interview another virtual assistant[ ]
Connect: Reconnect with Sameer Vasta[ ]
Connect: Talk to Bilal Jaffery about tweetchats[ ]
Connect: Participate in/sketchnote Girl Geeks Toronto discussion night[ ]
Connect: Discuss helping Girl Geeks Toronto out[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Entrepreneurship 101[ ]
Connect: Sketchnote Venus Ventures Town Hall, or take a break that evening?[ ]
Build: Go to art classes[ ]
Build: Touch base with Ces regarding delegated tasks[X]
Build: Deploy the Quantified Self meetup mapper![ ]
Build: Work with freelancer to add more features to the meetup mapper[ ]
Build: Do another Rockstar Scribe lesson
[ ]
Play LEGO Lord of the Rings[ ]
Set up regular date nights with W-
[ ]
Attend women’s self-defense course
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