Drawing, blogging, and semi-retirement: Weekly review: Week ending May 31, 2013
| weeklyGood week for drawing and writing! I put together a collection of my sketchnotes, drew notes at a workshop (that we printed right then and there), and wrote a lot about what I was learning along the way. Looking forward to more drawing next week, and more experiments too! (Latest experiment: using MapLib’s simple Google Maps API interface to provide a zoomable, pannable view of the one-page guide to learning Emacs… =) This is promising! )
Blog posts
- Home improvements, drawing, blogging; Weekly review: Week ending May 24, 2013
- Things I’m learning about semi-retirement
- How I set up Autodesk Sketchbook Pro for sketchnoting
- Thinking about a pro-bono policy; being deliberate about what I do for free, discount, or barter
- How I draw presentations
- Sketchnote: Visual Thinking (Patricia Kambitsch)
- On blogging and platforms, and experimenting with Google Hangout
Accomplished this week
- Business
- Earn
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday
- Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday
- Follow up with Geoff and Gillian regarding June 11 event
- Talk to GN about B sketchnotes
- Sketch overview of M presentation
- Build
- Add mailing list subscription to my blog sidebar
- Finish the labels for my sketchnotes
- Experiment with Leanpub
- Follow up on HST from FluentBrain invoice
- Organize my 2012 sketchnotes by topic
- Connect
- [#A] Assist with sketchnoting workshop
- Write about platforms and chat with Thomas
- Sketchnote Awesome Foundation Toronto pitch night
- Co-host Visual Thinkers meetup
- Reach out to Mike Rohde regarding event
- Post Visual Thinkers Toronto notes
- Add Visual Thinkers Toronto sign-ups to mailing list
- Post notes from Quantified Self Toronto
- Follow up with Quantified Self Toronto people
- [#C] Process Quantified Self Toronto audio
- Earn
- Relationships
- Research I vs U
- Thank Mom for champorado, puto, and scarf
- Do laundry
- Reply to Mel’s letter
- Make pizza
- Make chicken tikka masala
- Life
- Draw platforms
- Play some more FF?
- Return books to the Japan Foundation library
Plans for next week
- Business
- Earn
[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Monday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Discuss requirements for B meeting[ ]
Revise handout based on Alejandra’s feedback[ ]
Set up standard agreement and send it to B
- Build
[ ]
Sketchnote Customer CEO[ ]
Interface for goals[ ]
Figure out org2blog publishing using Org 8
- Connect
[ ]
Meet Shelley Archibald[ ]
Follow up with David Achkar and Hao Zheng re. timetracking
- Earn
- Relationships
[ ]
Discuss P with R[ ]
Scan letters[ ]
Reply to Mike’s letter[ ]
Do another strength training workout
- Life
Time review
- Business: 50.3 hours (Earn: 18.4, E1: 16.3, Connect: 12.1, Build: 19.8)
- Discretionary: 27.3 hours (Social: 2.8, Productive: 9.6, Writing: 4.6, Emacs: 0.1, Play: 0.4)
- Personal: 21.8 hours (Routines: 10.6)
- Sleep: 59.0 hours – average of 8.4 hours per day
- Unpaid work: 9.6 hours (Cook: 5.3, Tidy: 0.3)
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.