Tools and tracking: Week ending June 28, 2013
| weeklyBlog posts
- Webinars and hangouts; Weekly review: Week ending June 21, 2013
- Quick question: What would you prefer for shorter URLs?
- Mohiomap: A visual way to browse your Evernote notebook
- How I use Emacs Org Mode for my weekly reviews
- Thinking about small talk at networking events
- Planning a Quantified Self workshop on time tracking
Other things I learned this week
- Geek
- Rails: In
, you can use format.any to define a default response. - To restore just one database out of an all-database dump, use the -D and -o options:
mysql -p -u root -D databasename -o < mysqldump-of-all-databases.sql
pwd -P
shows you the physical location of your directory (no symlinks)- Creating an
-type entry inorg-capture-templates
is a great way to capture a quick note to include in my weekly review. $wp_query->found_posts
gives you the total number of posts returned by the query. I often find myself paging through a category to get a sense of how many items I’ve posted in it, so now I can easily get the number. (By golly, I’ve written more than 550+ posts about Emacs.)
- Rails: In
- Life
- I can fit two laptops in one of my saddlebags, carefully clipping them in to minimize bouncing (esp. bouncing right out!). This means I don’t have to wear my backpack when biking to work in summer. Yay ventilation!
- When biking in probable rain, slippers are easier to pack than rain boots. Rain boots take up a lot of space in saddlebags.
- Quick-dry clothes are okay in the rain but they still take an hour or so to dry. If I’m wearing shorts but no rain pants, I should wear a poncho instead of a rain jacket.
- Mouthwash is not particularly good at getting permanent marker stains out of carpets.
- Oops, my post on coverage testing missed its schedule in WordPress Adding a link here anyway so that you can find it.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (57.5h – 34%)
- Earn (16.7h – 29% of Business)
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Help with test[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[X]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[X]
Sketchnote School4Civics[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Thursday[ ]
Earn: Consulting – E1 – Tuesday[ ]
Follow up on overview[ ]
Sketch how to make a deputation
- Build (34.3h – 59% of Business)
- Quantified Awesome (24.3h)
Figure out why sequences are breaking in cucumber + factorygirl[X]
Start working on goal interface[X]
Get code mostly covered by tests- ( ) Finish goal interface
- Drawing (4.7h)
Sketchnote a book[X]
[#C] Experiment with drawing on large sheet of paper[ ]
Sketchnote a book
- Paperwork (0.5h)
Set up electronic link between main account and savings account[X]
Activate ING Direct account[ ]
Figure out how to pay myself
- Blog
Change sidebar icons to be lighter-weight[X]
Update my bio[X]
Add post count to WordPress template
- Quantified Awesome (24.3h)
- Connect (6.5h – 11% of Business)
Discuss Nov 29 event[X]
Talk to Bastien Guerry about Emacs[X]
Talk to Soroush about sketchnoting[X]
Talk to Eric about business and marketing[X]
Meet Shelley Archibald – discuss Quantified Self[X]
Host visual thinking meetup[ ]
Talk to Eric and Joshua about Quantified Self workshops[ ]
Participate in #SKNTchat[ ]
Host virtual meetup/experiment[ ]
Document process experiment for Visual Thinking meetup
- Earn (16.7h – 29% of Business)
- Relationships (9.1h – 5%)
Back up and downsample all JPGs[X]
Pick up stuff at pharmacy[X]
Set up LastPass for Mom[X]
Check out lots of libraries on my bike[X]
Attend Eric’s moving party[ ]
Check out potential bike for J-[ ]
Make lots and lots of wontons while watching movies[ ]
Hang out with Morgan and Cathy
- Discretionary – Productive (14.1h – 8%)
Buy more short-sleeved office shirts[X]
Experiment with a new way to do the weekly review – by topic[ ]
Follow up with embassy regarding passport- Writing (6.4h)
- Discretionary – Play (2.6h – 1%)
- (X) Watched more episodes of Kung Fu
- ( ) Read through my backlog
- Personal routines (22.0h – 13%)
- Unpaid work (7.1h – 4%)
- Sleep (55.7h – 33% – average of 8.0 per day)
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