Weekly review: Week ending January 17, 2014

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I've been really ramping up my delegation. =) (See the series of sketches regarding being my own client for the motivation.) Promising. One of my goals is to outsource practically all of the parts of my podcasting process so that all I have to do is suggest some names, prepare for the interview, show up, chat and take notes, and save the file somewhere. This will require me to actually trust someone else with my Google account, so we'll see how well that works…

Funny, I thought I'd been drawing less because I was spending the time focusing on specifying delegated tasks instead, but when I looked at the list of sketches, I actually still drew quite a lot. Most of that was from Wednesday's drawing sprint of thinking through some coaching-related questions before the session I have with Ramon Williamson in a couple of weeks.

Next week is my Canadian citizenship test. I think it will be all right.

Blog posts


  1. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 4 - buying back time
  2. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 3 - Emacs, blog
  3. 2014-01-12 Being my own client part 2 - Projects
  4. 2014-01-12 Being my own client - part 1 of 4
  5. 2014-01-13 What kind of a good life do I want
  6. 2014-01-13 Stuff I've tracked
  7. 2014-01-14 Ways to increase my delegation-fu
  8. 2014-01-14 Reflecting on semi-retirement
  9. 2014-01-14 Increasing my delta - part 2
  10. 2014-01-15 Where I am and where I want to be
  11. 2014-01-15 What's my 20 percent - Where are my moments of truth
  12. 2014-01-15 Thoughts on getting paid vs giving things away
  13. 2014-01-15 The balance that works for me
  14. 2014-01-15 Paying myself first with time
  15. 2014-01-15 My why, goals, and vision
  16. 2014-01-15 My current strategies for personal and professional growth
  17. 2014-01-15 How do I feel about interactive sketchnotes
  18. 2014-01-15 How I free up time
  19. 2014-01-15 Google Helpouts - Would I consider setting aside more time
  20. 2014-01-15 Getting started with professional sketchnoting
  21. 2014-01-15 General questions for coaches, role models, and mentors
  22. 2014-01-17 Thinking about delegation goals
  23. 2014-01-17 Planning my post-podcast process
  24. 2014-01-17 Mapping a strategy for outsourcing podcast work
  25. 2014-01-17 How can I hack podcasting
  26. 2014-01-17 How can I assign 30 hours of work a week

Link round-up

Focus areas and time review

  • Business (58.3h – 34%)
    • [ ] Build: Document post-podcast process
    • [ ] Build: Fill pipeline with other delegatable tasks
    • [ ] Connect: Chat about writing
    • [ ] Connect: Get in touch with people regarding Helpouts
    • [ ] Connect: Go to Quantified Self meetup
    • [ ] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
    • Earn (19.3h – 33% of Business)
      • [X] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
    • Build (21.4h – 36% of Business)
      • [X] Build: Draw headers for my mailing lists
      • [X] Build: Switch Mailchimp mailing lists to use straight blog feeds instead
      • [X] Build: Switch website to use straight blog feeds
      • [X] Plan what I would do as my own client
      • [X] Reset the TF700
      • Quantified Awesome (1.7h)
      • Drawing (11.0h)
      • Paperwork (0.0h)
        • [X] File T4 for myself
        • [X] File payroll return
    • Connect (17.7h – 30% of Business)
      • [X] Connect: Confirm schedule with Jeff Bond
      • [X] Connect: Discuss Emacs chats
      • [X] Connect: Have lunch with Carsten
      • [X] Connect: Help Joel find computer
      • [X] Talk to Globe and Mail about Quantified Self
  • Relationships (6.4h – 3%)
    • [X] Chat with Eric about friendship
    • [X] Contact pptstar regarding copyright complaint from Papa
    • [X] Helped clean computer of viruses
  • Discretionary – Productive (8.5h – 5%)
    • [X] Look for Audacity way to automatically remove silence – truncate
    • [X] Study for citizenship exam
    • [ ] Prepare photocopies and documents needed for citizenship exam
    • [ ] Study for citizenship exam
    • [ ] Take citizenship exam
    • Writing (2.4h)
  • Discretionary – Play (0.0h – 0%)
  • Discretionary – Travel (0.0h – 0%)
  • Personal routines (19.9h – 11%)
  • Unpaid work (18.4h – 10%)
  • Sleep (59.4h – 35% – average of 8.5 per day)

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