Weekly review: Week ending February 14, 2014

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I focused on delegation this week. Good results for writing (although I made a mistake by not making sure that one of my assistants clearly understood the task). Not particularly keen on results so far for technical interviews, but maybe we'll figure something out. I've been learning a lot more about grilling people during technical interviews.

Lots of connecting, too! I've been encouraging people to set up meetings with me with http://sach.ac/meet . Along the way, I'm figuring out the things I like about conversations. I like helping people with Org Mode, especially if they've used it enough to know where they're getting stuck. I like talking to people who are actively learning about stuff, believe in themselves, and are focused on moving forward. I like it when people's questions and curiosities happen to mesh with my own. I enjoy talking to motivated beginners about Emacs, writing, and learning, and I'm getting better at harvesting topics for future blog posts. I'm a little surprised by a common characteristic I've noticed among conversations that left me feeling a little odd, so I need to think about that some more.

Oh, and quite a few upgrades to test. I usually spread upgrades out over time so that I can make more careful decisions and evaluate the changes, but I ran into several technical limitations that I think I might run into more if my current interests continue. So: larger drive, faster Internet upload speeds (should make those Hangouts better), and a better microphone. I'll consider it worth it if I end up sharing more. Restoring from my image backup worked fine, I messed up when migrating my document folder to the new drive – photoSync was still running in the background, so it deleted a number of the images I shared. Hooray for backups, though!

Anyway, I think this coming week will be a week of following up on things to reflect on and share. Also, if the Quantified Sandbox unconference is pushing through, I'll need to put together that time-tracking workshop. Must plan some recovery time. Let's see how it goes.

Blog posts


  1. 2014-02-08 What could that fluency look like
  2. 2014-02-08 Unfair advantages
  3. 2014-02-08 The fox and the hedgehog
  4. 2014-02-08 Learning and fluency
  5. 2014-02-08 Delegation and task efficiency #delegation
  6. 2014-02-08 Artists and entrepreneurs
  7. 2014-02-08 A path toward taming your TODO list
  8. 2014-02-08 A path toward taming your TODO list
  9. 2014-02-09 Living your dream
  10. 2014-02-09 Imagining a course or membership area
  11. 2014-02-09 How do I want to manage my learn-share pipeline
  12. 2014-02-10 Thinking about object-oriented programming and delegation #delegation
  13. 2014-02-10 Delegation as programming #delegation
  14. 2014-02-11 Thinking about blog improvements
  15. 2014-02-11 The LEGO Movie - Reflections on Master Builders
  16. 2014-02-11 Reflecting on building a value-filled life
  17. 2014-02-11 Delegation excuse - But other people won't do as good a job as I would
  18. 2014-02-12 Test-driven learning
  19. 2014-02-13 How much does it cost to start with virtual assistance
  20. 2014-02-13 A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging - Summary of 10 blogging excuses and how to work around them

Link round-up

Focus areas and time review

  • Business (57.8h – 34%)
    • Earn (10.4h – 17% of Business)
      • [X] E1: Add image links
      • [X] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
      • [ ] Deposit cheque
      • [ ] Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
    • Build (31.7h – 54% of Business)
      • [X] Experiment with better microphone – clearer-ish audio, more convenient?
      • [X] Move to larger drive – AOMEI restore worked fine
      • [X] Set up a system for backing up my backup drive to the computer downstairs
      • Drawing (11.4h)
        • [X] Draw the next step for Emacs-related sketches
      • Delegation (11.4h)
        • [X] Delegation: Delegate some writing-related tasks
        • [X] Delegation: Interview tech applicants
        • [X] Build: Document post-podcast process
        • [ ] Delegation: Interview more tech applicants
      • Packaging (2.7h)
        • [ ] Make baby-steps guide for Org Mode and TODOs
      • Paperwork (0.0h)
        • [X] File payroll return
        • [ ] File federal annual return
    • Connect (15.7h – 27% of Business)
      • [X] Connect: Chat about Free Geek Toronto
      • [X] Connect: Chat with Greg about Emacs
      • [X] Connect: Chat with Mel about self-directed learning
      • [X] Connect: Chat with Naomi Fein about delegation and sketchnoting
      • [ ] Connect: Chat with Evan about visual thinking
      • [ ] Connect: Check what's going on with the Quantified Sandbox
      • [ ] Connect: Hang out with Matthew and learn more about d3js at HackLab
      • [ ] Follow up on conversations
    • Relationships (10.7h – 6%)
      • [X] Work on project with W-
    • Discretionary – Productive (8.9h – 5%)
      • [ ] Deposit USD
      • [ ] Go for eye exam
      • [ ] Reflect on two-year mark for experiment
      • Writing (6.8h)
    • Discretionary – Play (4.9h – 2%)
    • Personal routines (16.2h – 9%)
    • Unpaid work (7.5h – 4%)
    • Sleep (64.1h – 38% – average of 9.2 per day)

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