Weekly review: Week ending February 7, 2014
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Hmm. Way fewer sketches this week because I was focusing on packaging and delegation. Good work getting https://sachachua.com/no-excuses-blogging (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) out the door, though. Also, I was concentrating on planning my life. =) Now that the general direction is mostly sorted out, let's get going!
Blog posts
- Weekly review: Week ending January 31, 2014
- Stepping up to publishing
- A no-excuses guide to blogging
- How to develop your ideas into blog posts
- Thinking about the systems I can put into place to scale up sharing
- Reflecting on wild success
- More tips for self-directed learning: deliberate practice
- 2014-02-02 Learning on your own
- 2014-02-02 Imagining a useful member's area
- 2014-02-02 A path for learning to delegate or outsource #delegation #path
- 2014-02-03 How to learn from business books
- 2014-02-04 What systems do I need to put into place to do awesome
- 2014-02-04 Thinking about idea development and possible blogging flow
- 2014-02-04 Improving the way I delegate #delegation
- 2014-02-04 How to create your own exercises for deliberate practice during self-directed learning
- 2014-02-05 Notes on publishing
- 2014-02-05 Delegation and drawings - where does it make sense #delegation
- 2014-02-06 What other excuses can I collect and work around
- 2014-02-07 What are my motivations for questions
- 2014-02-07 Low-hanging fruit
- 2014-02-07 Adjusting the balance
Link round-up
- Latin LOLCat: Reading: Multum legundum, non multa. You should read much, not many.
- Matt Swanson – Do things, write about it: Share what you're working on
- Don't End The Week With Nothing: Related to the one above – make sure what you're working on builds up your life
- The Gumroad Blog – Is Pay What You Want Pricing for You?: Yay pay-what-you-want pricing! =)
- org in the wild update: Always so nice to see how people use Org Mode.
- How to Train Your Mind to Think Critically and Form Your Own Opinions: I'm getting better at keeping people's contexts in mind while listening to them.
- How I learned to stop giving advice: Interesting discussion on Hacker News. I'm coming to terms with how I want to approach this entire “advice” thing – I like more than “You should…”.
Focus areas and time review
- Business (55.7h – 33%)
- Earn (28.6h – 51% of Business)
E1: Work on prototype for conversation[X]
E1: Add image links[X]
E2: Animate script 3[X]
E2: Send new script 1 and trailer[X]
E2: Slow down script 2[X]
Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting[ ]
Deposit cheque[ ]
Earn: E1: 2.5-3.5 days of consulting
- Build (20.5h – 36% of Business)
- Delegation
Build: Document post-podcast process[X]
Hire writers[X]
Delegate making my website more responsive[ ]
Document process for setting up a public conversation
- Content
- Packaging
Compile blog posts related to busting blogging excuses[ ]
Plan and record a video for busting blogging excuses[ ]
Explore membership plugins / course plugins
- Other
Build: Tweak performance on server[X]
Build: File payroll return
- Delegation
- Connect (6.7h – 11% of Business)
Connect: Chat about Free Geek Toronto[X]
Connect: Chat with Google regarding Helpouts and Hangouts[X]
Connect: Chat with Mel about self-directed learning[ ]
Connect: Chat with Naomi Fein about delegation and sketchnoting
- Earn (28.6h – 51% of Business)
- Relationships (6.5h – 3%)
Attend party at Beatrice[X]
Have Maira over (Sunday)[ ]
Work on project with W-
- Discretionary – Productive (1.7h – 0%)
- Writing (0.6h)
- Discretionary – Play (0.0h – 0%)
- Personal routines (18.8h – 11%)
- Unpaid work (14.1h – 8%)
- Sleep (71.3h – 42% – average of 10.2 per day) (!) Oh right, it was because I was sorting out some stuff in my head.
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