Notes from Visual Thinkers Toronto: Sketchnoting with others
Posted: - Modified: | drawing, meetup, sketchnotesIn March's meetup for Visual Thinkers Toronto, we listened to TED talks, practised sketchnoting/graphic recording, and compared our notes. Here's how I drew the talks:

2014-03-25 TED – Bran Ferren – To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering #visualtoronto
From Bran Ferren – To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering
From Jamie Oliver – Teach every child about food
I liked how one of the participants added extra pizzazz to the visual metaphors from the talks, exaggerating the words to make them even more memorable. For example, with Jamie Oliver's talk, he turned the part about labels into a quick sketch of a Can of Death. Other people drew with more colours
It was interesting to see different levels of abstraction for the same topic. Someone made a poster that focused on the key message of the talk. Most people captured 5-10 points or so. I drew with the most detail in our group, I think. I like it; that lets me retrieve more of the talk from memory. I liked how other people switched between different colours of markers. Someday I'll get the hang of doing that. In the meantime, highlighting seems to be fine.
Try sketchnoting those talks or other presentations you find online. I'd love to compare notes!