A long, long weekend

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How do I want to spend my leisure time? I've been thinking about that a bit because we have a long weekend, and I have much more discretionary time during the week than most people do.

W- and I are both homebodies. During normal weekends, we typically spend a day focused on cooking, cleaning, washing clothes, and taking care of other little things around the house. That still leaves some time for walks, gardening, reading, writing, and watching the videos that we borrow from the library. During long weekends, we usually take advantage of the extra time and energy by working on household projects or doing a deeper clean. W- tends to work long hours, so when he's not busy with work or gym classes, I prefer to spend the time with him instead of hanging out with other friends. Life is short, after all.

I also have some time during the week, when most people are busy working. I've been using that time to read, learn, exercise, and explore. From time to time, I hang out with friends. Last Friday, two of my friends were hanging out at a park, so I decided to join them. It was a leisurely afternoon of sunshine, idle conversation, and ice cream. In the evening, we watched a movie which turned out to be free because of projector issues.

I'm not always keen on conversation, so I don't particularly like scheduling things and I can be reluctant to meet up or chat. If I can guiltlessly change plans – to wander in and out as I want – I feel much better about it.

Then there's discretionary time when I'm alone, too. I usually spend this reading, coding, writing, or drawing. I've been feeling a little scattered lately. It's hard to latch onto a question and follow it. Focusing on building habits around exercise and gardening seems to be helping, and exploring recipes is fun too. Fortunately, there's a lot to keep making slow progress on while cultivating curiosity…

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