Emacs Chat: Karl Voit

Posted: - Modified: | emacs, Emacs Chat, org, podcast

Org Mode, Memacs, lazyblorg, .emacs, Yasnippet, tags . http://karl-voit.at , http://twitter.com/n0v0id , http://github.com/novoid.

Check out Karl's notes for more details. (Or at least, you can check them out when his server is up again!)

Thanks, Karl!

Got an interesting Emacs workflow? Please share. =) Happy to bring on more people for Emacs Chats. Also, check out the upcoming Emacs Hangout on Dec 17 (8 PM Toronto)!

Check out TRANSCRIPT here!

You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.