Emacs Chat with Steve Purcell

Posted: - Modified: | Emacs Chat, podcast

In this Emacs Chat, Steve Purcell shares how he got started with Emacs by using a Vim emulation mode, what it’s like to give hundreds of package authors feedback on Emacs Lisp style, and how he’s eventually replacing himself with Emacs Lisp (flycheck-package). He also highlights useful packages for managing buffers of version-controlled files (ibuffer-vc), working with lines if the region isn’t active (whole-line-or-region), or maximizing certain buffers (full-frame).


Quick video table of contents (times are approximate):

0:04 From Vim to Emacs with Viper
0:11 Packages
0:18 Feedback
0:20 Lisp style
0:21 Flycheck
0:28 Versioning
0:32 Config
0:40 ibuffer-vc
0:41 whole-line-or-region
0:44 full-frame
0:47 Not using Emacs for everything
0:48 Auto-complete, hippie-expand
0:51 Graceful degradation with maybe-require-package
0:57 Making sense

Transcript will follow. In the meantime, you can check out Steve’s config at https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d, follow him on Twitter at @sanityinc, or go to his website at http://sanityinc.com/. You can find other Emacs Chats at https://sachachua.com/emacs-chat .

Got a nifty Emacs workflow or story that you think other people might find useful? I’d love to set up an Emacs Chat episode with you. Please feel free to comment below or e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com!

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