Assorted sewing-related sketches and thoughts

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I've settled into a routine of wearing something home-made every day. I'm looking forward to gradually adding higher-end fabric, and learning how to sew new pieces. Here are some things I've learned along the way.

2015-03-22b Decision review - Sewing -- index card #review #sewing #decision

2015-03-22b Decision review – Sewing – index card #review #sewing #decision

Sewing adds a new layer of satisfaction to my everyday life. I enjoy having a background reminder that I can learn how to make things.

2015-03-22c What was different about sewing this time -- index card #delta #sewing #review

2015-03-22c What was different about sewing this time – index card #delta #sewing #review

What was different about sewing this time? I set myself up for happiness and success by picking a super-simple pattern. It turns out that I like the bias binding technique much more than I like the facing technique, since I haven't figured out how to stop facings from flapping around, and it's actually pretty fun to use the bias tape maker. New pins made a surprising difference, too – it's so much easier and less frustrating when your pins just glide through the fabric.

2015-03-13c Improving my sewing experience -- index card #sewing

2015-03-13c Improving my sewing experience – index card #sewing

The sewing machine and the serger are now on the desk full-time, instead of tucked in a closet. My sewing things are in a drawer. I still haven't set up a system for listening to music or podcasts while I sew, since I use it as quiet time for thinking.

2015-03-13e What would managing my stash well look like -- index card #sewing

2015-03-13e What would managing my stash well look like – index card #sewing

2015-03-13d What are a few useful things I can do with my fabric stash -- index card #sewing

2015-03-13d What are a few useful things I can do with my fabric stash – index card #sewing

I found some stash-busting projects I like. They're great ways to use up scraps while creating practical things, like little wrappers and liners. I've also pieced together larger scraps to create prototypes, which is nice. Maybe I'll get into quilting or patchwork later on.

2015-03-12c Sewing pre-mortem -- index card #sewing #premortem

2015-03-12c Sewing pre-mortem – index card #sewing #premortem

None of the pre-mortem factors I planned for have kicked in yet. That's because I've been learning deliberately slowly instead of trying to rush my way through things. =) I might spend a little more time getting used to the laser cutter and all that it can do for me; there's so much to explore.

2015-02-25b What's next for sewing -- index card #sewing

2015-02-25b What's next for sewing – index card #sewing

I have a bamboo stretch knit just waiting to be turned into loungewear, so I'm looking forward to learning how to self-draft a pattern for that. Extra points if I can do it digitally and then laser-cut the cloth, even if that means figuring out how to register long knits. =)

2015-02-24d Improving my sewing experience -- index card #sewing

2015-02-24d Improving my sewing experience – index card #sewing

Actually, the pipeline probably goes like this:

  • Tuesday at Hacklab:
    • Buy fabric for the next project
    • Cut washed fabric for the current project
  • Wednesday at home, possibly Friday or Saturday as well:
    • Sew and press the current project
  • Sunday at home:
    • Wash fabric for the next project
    • Plan the next next project

I think it would be good to have two (and exactly two) projects on the go at any given time. That way, I don't end up stashing lots of fabric, and I can make the most of the resources available to me.

2015-02-24a New pattern, or several of one -- index card #sewing

2015-02-24a New pattern, or several of one – index card #sewing

Making many instances of the same pattern has been lots of fun. I still don't feel an urge to learn about closures or sleeves, so the basic top is fine. I can gradually add more colours and fabrics, though. As for new patterns, I might look into making a few pairs of comfortable pants.

Yep, I think this skill might make its way into my identity… Neat!

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