More thoughts on fuzzy days

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I'm recovering from a sore throat and a cold, among other things. If I want to, I could spend all day in bed or playing video games (or playing video games in bed). That's where my mornings have gone, actually, since I've been letting myself sleep in until I feel rested. There'll be time enough for getting more things done. For now, I'm taking it easy. There are lots of things I can still do with a fuzzy brain.

2015-04-27a Quiet days -- index card #fuzzy

2015-04-27a Quiet days – index card #fuzzy

2015-04-26b When my brain is fuzzy because I'm sick -- index card #fuzzy #sick

2015-04-26b When my brain is fuzzy because I'm sick – index card #fuzzy #sick

It's interesting to notice the little hiccups in my brain: skipped or transposed letters as I hand-write common words, misplaced items, a spike in my sleep time.

2015-04-27d Minor signals -- index card #fuzzy

2015-04-27d Minor signals – index card #fuzzy

Instead of getting frustrated with myself, I find myself curious: what's the difference between this and what I would consider my normal state? Is it a gradient or a sharp transition? Can I influence being in one or the other? And it's good to know these signals and tripwires, too. It means I know to stay away from big decisions or judgments, from making commitments, from writing code that other people might rely on. It's also a relief to see that life goes on.

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