Emacs Hangout June 2015
| emacsTimes may be off by a little bit, sorry!
- 0:04:13 Vagrant
- 0:04:25 Org Mode, LaTeX, R
- 0:08:00 howdy – org-contacts, e-mail, chat, phone – link
- 0:14:38 big data
- 0:21:38 tramp, projectile
- 0:32:00 Emacs and Eclipse
- 0:36:30 Emacs podcast?
- 0:41:25 Emacs and Eclipse, eclim link
- 0:48:17 Experience with getting started with Emacs – from scratch, starter kit
- 0:54:03 Packages – projectile, restclient, helm-swoop, ack / silversearcher
- 1:00:20 Mastering Emacs
- 1:01:44 How we got started in Emacs
- 1:06:04 silversearcher-ag
- 1:09:58 demoit, org-tree-slide
- 1:12:04 eshell filters – Howard Abrams – link
- 1:18:26 E-mailing HTML from Org using org-mime-org-buffer-htmlize
- 1:22:59 Completion
- 1:26:30 avy, ace-jump, anzu, avy-isearch
- 1:37:00 hydra, org-timer, etc.
- 1:39:00 Keyboards
- 1:42:00 Rectangles
- 1:44:30 Javascript, tern-mode
- 1:53:14 Wrapping up
Boo, I accidentally browsed in the Hangouts window before copying the text chat, so no copy of the text chat this timeā¦ =|
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