Recreating and enhancing my tracking interface by using Tasker and Javascript

| android, geek

I got tired of setting up Tasker scripts by tapping them into my phone, so I looked into how to create Tasker interfaces using Javascript. First, I created a folder in Dropbox, and I used Dropsync to synchronize it with my phone. Then I created a simple test.html in that folder. I created a Tasker scene with a WebView that loaded the file. Then I started digging into how I can perform tasks, load applications, and send intents to Evernote so that I can create notes with pre-filled text. I really liked being able to reorder items and create additional screens using Emacs instead of Tasker’s interface.

Here’s my code at the moment. It relies on other Tasker tasks I’ve already created, so it’s not a standalone example you can use right off the bat. Still, it might be useful for ideas.


        <title>Sacha's personal tracking interface</title>
        <style type="text/css">
         button { padding: 20px; font-size: large; width: 45%; display: inline-block  }
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <div id="feedback"></div>
        <!-- For making it easy to track things -->
        <div class="screen" id="main-screen">
        <button class="note">Do</button>
        <button class="note">Think</button>
        <button class="note">Note</button>
        <button class="note">Journal</button>
        <button class="switch-screen" data-screen="track-screen">Track</button>
        <button class="switch-screen" data-screen="play-screen">Play</button>
        <button class="switch-screen" data-screen="eat-screen">Eat</button>
        <button class="switch-screen" data-screen="energy-screen">Energy</button>
        <button id="reload">Reload</button>
        <div class="screen" id="play-screen">
            <button class="play">Persona 3</button>
            <button class="play">Ni No Kuni</button>
            <button class="play">Hobbit</button>
            <button class="switch-screen"
        <div class="screen" id="energy-screen">
            <button class="energy">5</button><br />
            <button class="energy">4</button><br />
            <button class="energy">3</button><br />
            <button class="energy">2</button><br />
            <button class="energy">1</button><br />
            <button class="switch-screen"
        <div class="screen" id="eat-screen">
            <button class="eat">Breakfast</button>
            <button class="eat">Lunch</button>
            <button class="eat">Dinner</button>
            <button class="switch-screen"
        <div class="screen" id="track-screen">
            <button class="update-qa">Routines</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Subway</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Coding</button>
            <button class="update-qa">E1 Gen</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Drawing</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Cook</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Kitchen</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Tidy</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Relax</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Family</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Walk Other</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Nonfiction</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Laundry</button>
            <button class="update-qa">Sleep</button>
            <button id="goToWeb">Web</button>
            <button class="switch-screen" data-screen="main-screen">Back</button>
         function updateQuantifiedAwesome(category) {
             performTask('Update QA', null, category);

         function showFeedback(s) {
         function switchScreen(s) {
             $('#' + s).show();

         $('.switch-screen').click(function() {
         function createEvernote(title, body) {
             sendIntent('com.evernote.action.CREATE_NEW_NOTE', 'activity',
                        '', '', 'none', '', '',
                        ['android.intent.extra.TITLE:' + (title || ''),
                         'android.intent.extra.TEXT:' + (body || '')]);
         $('.note').click(function() {
         $('.energy').click(function() {
             createEvernote('Energy', 'Energy ' + $(this).text() + ' ');
         $('#reload').click(function() {
             performTask('Reload Test');
         $('.update-qa').click(function() {
             updateQuantifiedAwesome($(this).attr('data-cat') || $(this).text());
             hideScene('Test View');
         $('#goToWeb').click(function() {
         $('.eat').click(function() {
         $('.play').click(function() {
             performTask('Play', null, $(this).text());



You can find the latest version at

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