Thinking about simplifying capture on my phone

| android, geek

I’ve been thinking about temporary information: things like where I put down something I was holding, the task I’m working on just in case I get interrupted, thoughts that I want to explore later on.

The seeds of a good system are there, if I learn how to use them more effectively. I usually have my phone handy. Evernote can record audio, pictures, or text, and the creation date is an automatic timestamp. I can export the notes and process them using Emacs. Google Now’s “Note to self” command can create a note in Evernote, or I can tap the Create Note icon.

How can I improve how I use these tools?

If I get used to starting my note lines with a special keyword, then it’ll be easier for me to extract those lines and process them. For example:

DO Actions to add to my to-do list
THINK Thoughts to explore
PLACE Putting things down

If I add custom commands to Google Now, or make Google Now the fallback for another command line, then I can use that for my tracking system as well. AutoShare and AutoVoice might be handy. I should probably learn how to get Tasker working with Javascript, too. Alternatively, I can use Evernote’s e-mail interface, although there might be a slight delay if I’m offline.

If I create a custom single-click interface that can start the note with a specified keyword, that would be even better.

I could also use a more systematic review process. For example:

  • All THINK items can be automatically added to the end of my as their own headings.

  • All DO items can be added to my uncategorized tasks.

Okay, let’s start by figuring out Javascript and Tasker, since that will make it easier for me to write actions that take advantage of intents.

First step is to save the JS library template from Tasker. The file is stored in /storage/emulated/0/Tasker/meta/tasker.js. Okay, I’ve created a Tasker scene that has a WebView component that loads the file that I synchronized with Dropsync.

The next step is to simplify development so that I can try things quickly. I want to be able to sync and reload my WebView scene by tapping a button. The Dropsync Tasker action returns immediately, so maybe I’ll just add a wait to it.

Hmm, maybe a good path might be:

  1. Set up easy sync/reload, so I can try things out quickly.
  2. Include JQuery.
  3. Run tasks.
  4. Launch apps.
  5. Send intents.
  6. Convert my current tracking menu to this format.
  7. Add buttons for creating notes (either e-mail-based or intent-based):
    • Do
    • Think
    • Place
  8. Add a command-line. Compare using it vs. using buttons.

On a related note, what kinds of things would I like my phone to be smart enough to do?

  • If I’m at home and I’m calling my cellphone from our home phone, set the ring volume to maximum, since that means I’m trying to find it.
  • If I say that I’m at a social event, ask me who I’m spending time with. Track that. Create a note with the person’s name as the title and “social” as the tag.
  • If I’m going to sleep, track that, then start tracking in Sleep as Android.
  • If I’m going to play a game, track that, then ask me what I’m going to do afterwards and how long I want to play. Load hints for the game (if I want). After the specified time, make a sound and remind me of what I was going to do.
  • If I’m going to read a book, show me the list of my checked-out books and let me pick one of them. Track that, then create a note with the title and author so that I can take notes.
  • NFC opportunities:
    • If I scan at the door, show me a menu: walk, subway, groceries, family, bike.
    • If I scan in at the kitchen table, track it as breakfast / lunch / dinner (as appropriate), then launch MyFitnessPal.
    • If I scan in at the table in front of the TV, show me a menu: relax, nonfiction, fiction, games.
    • If I scan in at my bedside table, treat it as going to sleep.

Mmm… Little things to tweak. =)

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