Tweaking my daily routines for that feeling of progress

Posted: - Modified: | experiment, life

I found myself feeling like I hadn't gotten a lot of things done. My weekly reviews showed me I made progress, but it didn't feel like it day to day. I thought about what I'd like to feel instead.

2015-05-04c Keeping the end of the day in mind -- index card #life #quality-of-life

2015-05-04c Keeping the end of the day in mind – index card #life #quality-of-life

A little structure helps me do useful things even if my mind is fuzzy.

2015-03-11d How can I structure these types of days -- index card #limbo #routines

2015-03-11d How can I structure these types of days – index card #limbo #routines

I've been experimenting with this more now that I'm regularly up around 7 or 8 AM. I seem to have developed a routine that works well for me. I start by having breakfast and reading a book. Then I usually spend an hour or two coding, slowly working my way through my personal project task list. If I want to explore a thought, I spend a little time drawing. Lunch is followed by (or preceded by) playing video games. Then it's time to draw or write a bit more. Sometimes I nap in the afternoon.

2015-06-09a Designing my mornings -- index card #kaizen #mornings #life

2015-06-09a Designing my mornings – index card #kaizen #mornings #life

If I sit down to read or code, even if I don't feel like doing so in the beginning, I often find myself getting into it. I know that after I read or code, I'll have something to add to my daily index card journal, so the rest of the day feels more relaxed. If I keep track of the tiny steps I take – each book, each finished task – I know they'll add up to a surprising distance during my weekly or monthly reviews.

2015-06-08c What could make this even awesomer -- index card #life #kaizen

2015-06-08c What could make this even awesomer – index card #life #kaizen

I'd been wondering what could give me a good sense of progress in a self-directed life, and this might be the start of an answer. Even if I feel a little lost in other areas, it's nice to know that I'm a bit further ahead than when I started.

It might be nice to make writing more habitual, since I tend to do it in spurts. It's easiest for me to write about code, but it might also be useful to write about how I'd like to apply what I'm learning from books or about life. Besides, writing is a good way to organize my thoughts and drawings into larger chunks.

I think I'll add walking into this routine, too. Maybe in the afternoon, so that I can return the book that I just finished and I can pick up any holds that have come in.


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