Update on Emacs Conf 2015 videos; Org Mode tables and time calculations

| emacs, geek, org, ffmpeg

I spent the day cutting up the rest of the videos from the Emacs Conference 2015 Twitch.tv stream into individual talks. I’d already cut the set of talks before lunch, but there were quite a few more after. As it turned out, keeping the video data in .ts format instead of converting it to .mp4 is actually better for Youtube processing.

Since Camtasia Studio and Movie Maker were both having problems with the large videos, I used VLC to play the video and find the timestamps at which I needed to cut the segments. I made an Org Mode table with the start and end times, and then I used the ;T flag in a table function to get the duration. A little bit of Emacs Lisp code later, and I had my ffmpeg commands. Here’s the source from my Org file:

#+NAME: emacsconf-c.ts
| Notes                                            |      Start |        End | Duration |
| Emacs configuration                              | 4:02:25.37 | 4:27:09.30 | 00:24:44 |
| Hearing from Emacs Beginners                     |    4:27:27 |    5:01:00 | 00:33:33 |
| Lightning talk: Emacs Club                       | 5:03:19.30 | 5:19:37.83 | 00:16:18 |
| Starting an Emacs Meetup - Harry Schwartz part 1 | 5:31:52.03 |    6:01:20 | 00:29:28 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$3-$2;T

#+NAME: emacsconf-a.ts
| Notes                                                    |   Start |     End | Duration |
| Starting an Emacs Meetup - Harry Schwartz part 2         |  0:0:00 | 0:20:04 | 00:20:04 |
| Literate Devops - Howard Abrams                          | 1:28:20 | 2:08:15 | 00:39:55 |
| Lightning talk: Wanderlust and other mail clients        | 2:15:04 | 2:26:55 | 00:11:51 |
| Making Emacs a Better Tool for Scholars - Erik Hetzner   | 2:27:00 | 2:57:38 | 00:30:38 |
| Wrapping up and going forward                            | 2:58:09 | 2:59:44 | 00:01:35 |
| Lightning talk: Collaborative coding with tmux and tmate | 3:00:20 | 3:05:53 | 00:05:33 |
| Lightning talk: Cask and Pellet                          | 3:05:56 | 3:09:04 | 00:03:08 |
| Lightning talk: File sharing with Git and save hooks     | 3:09:34 | 3:17:50 | 00:08:16 |
| Lightning talk: Calc                                     | 3:18:42 | 3:33:20 | 00:14:38 |
| Lightning talk: Magit                                    | 3:35:15 | 3:49:42 | 00:14:27 |
| Lightning talk: gist.el                                  | 3:53:50 | 4:01:58 | 00:08:08 |
| Lightning talk: Go                                       | 4:02:45 | 4:16:37 | 00:13:52 |
| Question: Emacs Lisp backtraces                          | 4:16:50 | 4:20:09 | 00:03:19 |
#+TBLFM: $4=$3-$2;T

#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=emacsconf-a.ts :var data2=emacsconf-c.ts :colnames t :results output
(let ((format-str "ffmpeg -i %s -ss %s -t %s -c:v copy -c:a copy \"EmacsConf 2015 - %s.ts\"\n"))
  (mapc (lambda (file)
    (mapc (lambda (row) 
      (princ (format format-str (car file) (elt row 1) (elt row 3) (my/convert-sketch-title-to-filename (elt row 0))))) 
     (cdr file)))
    `(("emacsconf-c.ts" . ,data2)
      ("emacsconf-a.ts" . ,data))))

and the output:

ffmpeg -i emacsconf-c.ts -ss 4:02:25.37 -t 00:24:44 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Emacs configuration.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-c.ts -ss 4:27:27 -t 00:33:33 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Hearing from Emacs Beginners.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-c.ts -ss 5:03:19.30 -t 00:16:18 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Emacs Club.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-c.ts -ss 5:31:52.03 -t 00:29:28 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Starting an Emacs Meetup - Harry Schwartz part 1.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 0:0:00 -t 00:20:04 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Starting an Emacs Meetup - Harry Schwartz part 2.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 1:28:20 -t 00:39:55 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Literate Devops - Howard Abrams.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 2:15:04 -t 00:11:51 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Wanderlust and other mail clients.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 2:27:00 -t 00:30:38 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Making Emacs a Better Tool for Scholars - Erik Hetzner.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 2:58:09 -t 00:01:35 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Wrapping up and going forward.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:00:20 -t 00:05:33 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Collaborative coding with tmux and tmate.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:05:56 -t 00:03:08 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Cask and Pellet.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:09:34 -t 00:08:16 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - File sharing with Git and save hooks.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:18:42 -t 00:14:38 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Calc.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:35:15 -t 00:14:27 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Magit.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 3:53:50 -t 00:08:08 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - gist.el.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 4:02:45 -t 00:13:52 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Lightning talk - Go.ts"
ffmpeg -i emacsconf-a.ts -ss 4:16:50 -t 00:03:19 -c:v copy -c:a copy "EmacsConf 2015 - Question - Emacs Lisp backtraces.ts"

You can watch the Emacs Conference 2015 playlist on YouTube. At some point, each talk will probably have individual wiki pages and IRC logs at http://emacsconf2015.org/ . =) Enjoy!

Related tech notes: Emacs Conf video tech notes: jit.si, twitch.tv, livestreamer, ffmpeg

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