2015-11-16 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- For beginners
- Navigation
- pop-global-mark and pop-tag-mark are handy ways of going back to positions in files. See the discussion on Reddit for more navigation tips.
- Move through edit points with goto-chg
- Org Mode
- Writing
- org-tracktable: track writing progress
- Unfilling/unwrapping paragraphs
- Coding
- Whitespace
- It can be useful to add delete-trailing-whitespace to your
. - Electric indentation is handy for keeping things indented as you type.
- Translate indentation settings for different editors
- Discussion of options for paren-ifying or indenting Emacs Lisp
- It can be useful to add delete-trailing-whitespace to your
- Testing
- Test-Driven-Development in CIDER and Emacs – add it to your
- Travis + Cask + ERT for continuous integration testing of Emacs Lisp
- emacs-quickrun or cc-chainsaw can make compiling and running C/C++ files a little faster. emacs-quickrun can be used for other languages, too.
- Test-Driven-Development in CIDER and Emacs – add it to your
- comint-send-string lets you send commands from Emacs Lisp to shell buffers and other interactive processes
- Github issue tracker interface, might become more generic later on
- Heroku Emacs Docker image
- How to use Clojure macros to refactor Clojure code in Emacs (17:07)
- Web dev seminar: Emacs (3:28), More HTML and Emacs (6:29)
- Whitespace
- Security
- keychain-environment is handy for passing your SSH authentication agent to Emacs
- Consider verifying SSL to improve your security when it comes to installing Emacs packages.
- Other links
- Emacs Hangout (Google+): Nov 18 (Wed) 9 PM EST (GMT-5)
- Some options for keeping your data safe from accidental edits, C-x C-q (read-only-mode), autosaving
- emacsthemes.com is a handy way of checking out lots of themes
- Possible questions for podcast with John Wiegley – maybe he should do an AMA on Reddit…
- Synthesize speech using multiple streams in Emacspeak
- Convert numbers to strings with padding and varying decimal places
- E-mail client discussion: notmuch, mu4e, gnus, etc.
- Discussion about core vs package
- Keymapping discussion for a Macbook Pro
- GNU Emacs por Patricio Páez (2:03:47)
- New packages
- bind-map: Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations
- buffer-flip: Use key-chord to cycle through buffers like Alt-Tab in Windows
- color-theme-modern: Reimplement colortheme with Emacs 24 theme framework.
- elog: logging library extended from logito
- emojify: Display emojis in Emacs – Reddit discussion
- evil-indent-plus: Evil textobjects based on indentation
- flymake-less: Flymake handler for LESS stylesheets (lesscss.org)
- fortune-cookie: Print a fortune in your scratch buffer.
- highlight-indent-guides: Minor mode to highlight indentation
- ido-skk: ido interface for skk henkan
- jumplist: Jump like vim jumplist
- org-time-budgets: Define time budgets and display clocked time.
- phabricator: Phabricator/Arcanist helpers for Emacs.
- region-state: Show the number of chars/lines or rows/columns in the region
- sift: Front-end for sift, a fast and powerful grep alternative
- sweetgreen: Order Salads from sweetgreen.com
- therapy: Hooks for managing multiple Python major versions
- wilt: An extensions for calculating WILT in a buffer.
- Emacs dev news:
- json-pretty-print-ordered and related functions will sort object keys when encoding
- Support rectangular regions for more commands – query-replace, query-replace-regexp
- Release process documentation improved
- dir-locals wildcards
- gitmerge changes: git log command, cherry-pick detection
- Updates to verilog-mode, soap-client
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, and the changes to the Emacs NEWS file.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.