2015-12-21 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Coding
- Navigation
- Improving Emacs file-name completion: Make filename completion case insensitive, and ignore certain extensions
- Hello Ivy-mode, bye Helm: git-grep, find file, imenu, bookmarks. (Also: Reddit)
- Avoid escape nightmares by editing strings in a separate buffer. (Reddit)
- Org Mode
- Master your inbox with mu4e and org-mode: org-capture can automatically link to e-mails
- Matrix and IndieWeb: A match made in heaven?: Using Matrix and XMPP messages to publish images, audio, and text with Org
- Fun
- Star Wars crawl in Emacs: Because. =)
- Totally useless and utterly awesome packages?
- Soundscapes On The Emacspeak Audio Desktop: Continuously playing streams of audio
- Other
- How to setup multiple email accounts in gnus (Reddit)
- Learning Vim with Spacemacs (Reddit)
- Elfeed hook to fetch full content: Reading full pages for things pinned with Pinboard
- Is there any mode that works like Earnest for Emacs?: Distraction-free writing tips
- A movie subtitle editor (Reddit)
- emacs pdf file – YouTube (12:16) – avy, ace, pdf tools
- Emacs: Magic paste in Markdown mode – YouTube (1:07)
- Scan ~/bin and turn the scripts into Emacs commands
- emacs-devel discussions:
- New packages:
- c-c-combo: Make stuff happen when you reach a target wpm
- clojars: clojars.org search interface
- fireplace: A cozy fireplace for emacs (Reddit, Hacker News)
- highlight-leading-spaces: Highlight leading spaces
- ob-restclient: org-babel functions for restclient-mode
- org-ref: citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode
- private-diary: maintain a private diary in Emacs
- rand-theme: Random Emacs theme at start-up!
- smartwin: A minor mode shows shell like buffers.
- vdirel: Manipulate vdir (i.e., vCard) repositories
- xquery-tool: A simple interface to saxonb’s xquery.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.