2016-01-11 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Configuration:
- Navigation:
- Better fuzzy matching support in Ivy
- Make emacs remember position where last self-insert-command happened: consider save-place or goto-chg
- Ivy is now available in Spacemacs
- Org:
- Coding:
- Emacs Lisp:
- mrr-auto-replace: multi-replace regex
- Buttercup 1.3 released: Emacs Lisp behaviour-driven tests
- Emacs development:
- Attempting to figure emacs long lines issues (Reddit)
- A proposal for removing obsolete Emacs packages | Hacker News
- Please do not delete this commented-out version | Hacker News
- Let users disable unsafe signal handling code
- Discussion about possibly filtering M-x
- Changing the default keybinding for tags-loop-continue
- Proposal for emacsclient and opening a file at a specific line
- Continuing discussion of new Emacs homepage
- find-file-project
- Overriding MS Windows key combination
- Conversion:
- Other:
- How to use Gnus Group Topics efficiently
- Realtime markdown preview as you type with Eww (Reddit)
- Emacs goes Windows: get a start menu with all your packages (Reddit)
- reykjavik theme, a theme with low saturated colors and a dark green background. (Reddit)
- Now Emacs Lisp is represented in the Github Showcase pages! (Reddit)
- How I use Emacs (by MJ Wall) (Reddit)
- Just a guy showing of his GNU/Linux-fu and having fun with emacs (2:04:44) (Reddit)
- Spacemacs 0.105 released: new website and layouts system
- New packages:
- anybar: Control AnyBar from Emacs
- bitbake: Running bitbake from emacs
- caseformat: Format based letter case converter
- config-parser: a library for parsing config file
- elscreen-buffer-group: elscreen buffer group
- mexican-holidays: Mexico holidays for Emacs calendar.
- multishell: manage interaction with multiple local and remote shells
- projectile-sift: Run a sift with Projectile
- prompt-text: Various information in minibuffer prompt
- reykjavik-theme: Theme with a dark background.
- tldr: tldr client for Emacs
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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