2016-02-01 Emacs News
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-newsUpdate 2016-02-02: Added Hacker News links.
- Configuration:
- Org Mode:
- Inserting an Org Date Quickly
- How to achieve auto-compilation for the org->latex->pdf publishing chain – configurations around latexmk
- Speed up pdf export from org-mode with latexmk
- Pointy org-bullets
- Awesome way to write blog in emacs (Reddit) – blog-admin for hexo or org-page
- How do org-refile-targets work?
- How to auto-publish org-mode publish projects ? after-save-hook
- Org-mode for GTD? org-query
- Coding:
- Use Tab to Indent or Complete
- Diff regions in Emacs (Reddit)
- Magit v2.5 released
- Elpy 1.11.0 released
- Emacs vs. WebStorm for Node.js Development | Hacker News
- Is there a way to choose compilation command from a list? helm-make, multi-compile
- On-the-fly evaluation of forms/code in Emacs! (2013, 1:37) (Reddit)
- Any solution for editing a region in a different major mode? fence-edit, org-mode, poporg, edit-indirect
- Emacs equivalent of dbext?
- Updated xcode-mode to support xctool
- Organize restclient files with outline-minor-mode (Reddit)
- Emacs magic – преобразование ifelse в switch (0:43)
- Go support added to etags
- Ruby support improved in etags
- Emacs development:
- Display the Keybinding for a Command with substitute-command-keys
- New in Emacs 25.1: Round quotes in Help buffers
- What's the best practice to write emacs-lisp(at 2016)?
- First Emacs 25 pretest is out (Reddit)
- Removing support for Emacs unexec from Glibc (Reddit, Hacker News)
- Async DNS progress
- Discussion of how to make project–find-in-file generic
- Fixed filename for second dir-locals file
- Other:
- Highlight and navigate all instances of a regex in current region occur, helm-swoop, loccur
- Praising the Command Line
- Dimming out tildes in AUCTeX
- Emacs has a fast infix calculator that's not calc or quick-calc… – calculator, helm-calcul-expression
- Is there a emacs -> vim transition guide?
- Zone out with steam locomotives (just for fun) (Reddit)
- Evalator-An Emacs package for interactive evaluation and transformation of data
- Why Spacemacs? (Reddit)
- Emacs打滴 4th x h4 (2:16:01)
- New packages:
- chapel-mode: a CC Mode for Chapel derived from derived-mode-ex.el
- char-menu: Create your own menu for fast insertion of arbitrary symbols
- commenter: multiline-comment support package
- contextual: Contextual profile management system
- evalator: Package for interactive transformation of data with helm
- flycheck-cstyle: Integrate cstyle with flycheck
- govc: Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter
- litecoin-ticker: No description available.
- metafmt: Emacs interface for metafmt
- mocha: Run Mocha or Jasmine tests
- org-tfl: Transport for London meets Orgmode
- pony-snippets: Yasnippets for Pony
- suscolors-theme: Colorful theme, inspired by Gruvbox.
- zone-sl: Zone out with steam locomotives.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the Emacs commit log, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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