2016-04-04 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Making org-mode look like a word processor (Reddit)
- Emacs Org-mode – Use good header ids!
- Blog from Org-Mode to Hugo (Reddit)
- Hacker News discussion of Org Mode, spacemacs, etc.
- Updated org-protocol-capture-html (Reddit) – Capture HTML from the browser and convert to Org Mode
- ob-hy.el – or better integration of hylang in org-mode (Hat tip to Irreal)
- Coding:
- TIL: 2 extra comment-dwim features
- (comment-do-what-i-want) (Reddit)
- Month in Haskell Mode March 2016 (Reddit)
- List of existing emacs modules (samples, lib bindings, …)
- Has anyone used Scala-mode professionally? How does it compare with Intellij?
- using company-mode, yasnippet and irony mode for C programming
- Magit v2.6 released
- Emacs Lisp:
- scratch buffer hacks to increase its utility?
- Eval-result-overlays in Emacs-lisp (Reddit)
- Buttercup 1.5 released – Emacs Lisp behavior-driven tests
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- GNU Emacs webpage gets a nice facelift (Reddit)
- Customizing Emacs's modeline
- Emacs Calc for Programmers and Computer Scientists (Reddit)
- Should i learn emacs first or start directly with spacemacs ?
- The holy war soldiers on (Reddit)
- diff-actor.el – Act out diff's between files in Emacs
- Secure in the knowledge your packages are safe? – archiving packages
- Package of the day: mode-icons (Reddit)
- Linting Prose in Emacs with ProseLinter (Hacker News)
- GNU Emacs #3: Archivo .emacs (5:22)
- Learn Emacs in 21 Days: Day 1 (46:44) – Mandarin
- New packages:
- blockdiag-mode: Major mode for editing blockdiag files
- clear-text: Make you use clear text
- flycheck-pkg-config: configure flycheck using pkg-config
- helm-org-rifle: Rifle through your Org files
- hfst-mode: major mode for editing HFST files
- otama: Org-table Manipulator
- xo: XO linter integration with compilation mode
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.