2016-05-09 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Conforguration – configuration management with Org
- hn2org, read HN pages in Emacs Org mode
- Is using babel + org for configuration files worth it?
- Video from EmacsNYC: Have Emacs Teach You Chinese (Reddit) – org-drill
- org-fstree: an org package that inserts a directory tree into your Org buffer
- Video from EmacsBoston: Getting Started with Org-mode (Reddit)
- Other:
- Emacs Keyboard Design 33: What If Emacs Pinky Isn't Real and 34: Grid Layout Revisited
- Tiling managers and emacs
- Silent and auto package upgrader (Reddit)
- New GNU Emacs website (Hacker News) – 210+ comments
- I wrote a little script for downloading / updating all of the themes indexed over at emacsthemes.com (Reddit)
- a nicer notmuch-hello screen for Emacs
- how much evil in emacs
- BBDB autocomplete different ways?
- kraklisp-meeting #4.2 – Emacs od zera by KZiemian (1:08:25)
- Navigation:
- Volatile Highlights: highlights recent change
- Day 10 – Search and Replace Using Regex – hat-tip to Irreal for the link
- Swiper/Ivy tip
- Disable Mouse only inside Emacs
- Equivalent to todo-show in atom?
- Moving Between Emacs Windows (Reddit)
- Vim like scrolling in Emacs
- Spacemacs (Vim mode) Cheatsheet (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Emacs development:
- New packages:
- coverlay: Test coverage overlays
- darkokai-theme: A darker variant on Monokai.
- dired-quick-sort: Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways.
- dix-evil: optional evil-integration with dix.el
- emms-state: Display track description and playing time in the mode line
- evil-find-char-pinyin: Evil's f/F/t/T commands with Pinyin support
- flyspell-correct: correcting words with flyspell via custom interface
- helm-qiita: Qiita with helm interface
- hgrc-mode: major mode for editing hgrc files
- ksp-cfg-mode: major mode for editing KSP CFG files
- moonscript: Major mode for editing MoonScript code
- ob-php: Execute PHP within org-mode blocks.
- ob-swift: org-babel functions for swift evaluation
- org-capture-pop-frame: Run org-capture in a new pop frame
- paganini-theme: an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode
- pinyinlib: Convert first letter of Pinyin to Simplified/Traditional Chinese characters
- plur: Easily search and replace multiple variants of a word
- projectile-hanami: Minor mode for Hanami projects based on projectile
- quiet: disconnect from the online world for a while
- spu: Silently upgrade package in the background
- steam: Organize and launch Steam games
- tawny-mode: Ontology Editing with Tawny-OWL
- timp: Multithreading library
- validate: Schema validation for Emacs-lisp
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.