2016-05-16 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginners:
- Text input and navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- debug-on-whatever
- Remote Shells with Tramp
- Uniquify your buffer names
- validate.el: Schema validation for Emacs-Lisp
- I live-coded a django site from scratch in Emacs (Reddit)
- On the fly markdown preview
- Hidden gem bundled with Emacs: find-cmd.el (Reddit)
- Fancy Rust development with Emacs (Reddit)
- “org-mode”-like promote/demote tree for editing whitespace significant files
- bug-mode, a mode to interact with Bugzilla and Rally issue trackers
- I figure it out how to use Emacsclient as Git's mergetool and have the frame close itself after you finish merging
- Executing commands as root on multiple hosts in parallel from Emacs (Reddit)
- Other:
- Gmail, Gnus, GPG Guide Update
- Monotropic — (Almost) monochromatic theme for emacs. (Reddit)
- Investing in Emacs. Is it worth it? Spoiler: Yes.
- Emacs Right Click Context menu (Reddit)
- Spaceline 2.0 — modeline compiler
- Emacs dired (Portuguese, 6:08)
- Emacs shell (Portuguese, 5:26)
- Emacs: regexp I-search macro (0:24)
- Emacs development:
- New packages:
- aws-ec2: Manage AWS EC2 instances
- ebib-handy: ebib window as a cite chooser when write org file
- flymd: On the fly markdown preview
- helm-phpunit: Helm integration for phpunit.el
- nlinum-relative: Relative line number with nlinum
- ob-ml-marklogic: org-babel functions for MarkLogic evaluation
- org-chinese-utils: Some org-mode utils for Chinese users
- ox-bibtex-chinese: Let ox-bibtex work well for Chinese users
- ox-latex-chinese: An example org latex exporter configure for Chinese users
- say-what-im-doing: dictate what you're doing with text to speech
- sql-mssql: Connect Microsoft SQL Server with sql.el in Linux/Unix environment
- viking-mode: kill first, ask later
- yankpad: Paste snippets from an org-mode file
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.