2016-05-30 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Configuration and workflow:
- Pragmatic Emacs: Auto Save and Backup Every Save
- I tried Intellij IDEA and it was faster than emacs – then I tried emacs -q and that's how I found out it was time to nuke my .emacs.d
- Easiest package management plan for an emacs beginner
- Show different quotes in frame each time you launch your emacs.
- Tell us about a minor change you made in your Emacs usage recently
- Viking-mode: Kill first, ask later – an emacs mode for killing things quickly (Reddit)
- init-open-recentf
- ryuslash/eshell-fringe-status
- An another interesting approach to load your extensive dot-Emacs configuration (Reddit)
- I wanna see your init file(s)! Share 'em!
- Coding:
- John Stevenson: Using Github Gists From Spacemacs
- counsel-dash – Browse Dash docsets using Ivy (Reddit)
- My first minor-mode: “Modern C++” font-lock for Emacs
- Refactor support for Python
- Take Your Emacs to the Next Level by Writing Custom Packages
- Dumb-jump: an Emacs “jump to definition” package (Hacker News)
- Other:
- A review of Mickey Petersen's “Mastering Emacs” book, for beginners and advanced users
- Weather in Emacs with ASCII art, even
- Snapshot-timemachine: a polished interface to step through the snapshots of a file made by a third-party snapshot or backup facility, e.g. ZFS, etc. (Reddit)
- Wiki for personal use that plays nicely with Emacs?
- How I like to think about Emacs
- Snappy Markdown preview minor mode
- Emacs and Ergodox
- Emacs and RSI…
- As a developer in 2016, you need to learn Emacs (Reddit)
- New series of Emacs videos / posts
- Orgzly now supports folding
- TimoB: Emacs – Beating the Learning Curve (1:08:46, German)
- New packages:
- avandu: Gateway to Tiny Tiny RSS
- counsel-dash: Browse dash docsets using Ivy
- counsel-osx-app: launch osx applications via ivy interface
- epm: Emacs Package Manager
- ghost-blog: A package to manage Ghost blog
- ivy-erlang-complete: Erlang completion at point using ivy.
- pocket-api: another pocket api
- pug-mode: Major mode for jade/pug template files
- scrooge: Major mode for Twitter Scrooge files
- spike-theme: A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors.
- tiny-menu: Run a selected command from one menu.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.