2016-06-06 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Beginner:
- Coding:
- Using Github Gists From Spacemacs
- New git-timemachine UI based on ivy-mode
- Creating and running unit tests directly in source files with Org Mode (hat tip to Irreal for the link)
- Intero for Emacs (for Haskell-programmers) (Reddit)
- Best practice of lua programming in emacs?
- New completion package for erlang
- How to make gdb behave more like an IDE?
- Setup python environment (7:08)
- Other:
- Fill and unfill paragraphs with a single key
- (Blog or Screencast) The Best Emacs Modifier Key Setup for OS X (Reddit)
- Check out this hydra I made for Ibuffer. Also share hydras plz
- How do you persist buffers and save your window state across sessions?
- org-mode is very handy for writing documents with generated images or script outputs
- New packages:
- bnfc: Define context-free grammars for the BNFC tool
- circe-notifications: Add desktop notifications to Circe.
- cricbuzz: Cricket scores from cricbuzz in emacs
- eshell-fringe-status: Show last status in fringe
- helm-smex: Helm interface for smex
- intero: Complete development mode for Haskell
- prettify-greek: Greek letters for prettify-symbols
- related: Switch back and forth between similarly named buffers.
- term-manager: Contextual terminal management
- term-projectile: projectile terminal management
- trr: a type-writing training program on GNU Emacs.
- vmd-mode: Fast Github-flavored Markdown preview using a vmd subprocess.
- cycle-quotes: Cycle between quote styles
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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