2016-06-13 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Pretty Org Babel Blocks – thanks to Wisdom and Wonder for the link
- Behind the code: Project planning (2008) – thanks to Irreal for the link
- Org clocking and resolving idle time
- My Emacs configuration using org-mode with tangling (Reddit)
- Coding:
- Robot Testing With Emacs – using keyboard macros for easier Emacs Lisp testing
- Provide input to the compilation buffer
- Using Github Gists From Spacemacs
- Cycle between true/false and other arbitrary pairs?
- Package for yanking/killing remote repository link of a file (Reddit)
- Using Emacs as a Common Lisp IDE – see comments for resources
- Is there any video tutorial series on programming in Elisp
- Other:
- Insert file name
- Sending sms with Emacs on Android
- Elite for EMACS (Reddit, Hacker News) – the ASCII art! the nostalgia!
- An Emacs Hack Night
- Spell-checking with Hunspell and flyspell-correct
- New packages:
- buffer-layers: Layered Buffers for Buffer Management
- copyit: Copy it, yank anything!
- copyit-pandoc: Copy it, yank anything!
- flycheck-mix: Elixir mix flycheck integration
- flyspell-correct-helm: correcting words with flyspell via helm interface
- flyspell-correct-ivy: correcting words with flyspell via ivy interface
- flyspell-correct-popup: correcting words with flyspell via popup interface
- helm-cider: Helm interface to CIDER
- kotlin-mode: Major mode for kotlin
- markdownfmt: Format markdown using markdownfmt
- netrunner: Create Android: Netrunner decklists using Company, Helm and org-mode
- no-littering: help keeping ~/.emacs.d clean
- ox-qmd: Qiita Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine
- pandoc: Pandoc interface
- smbc: View SMBC from Emacs
- swagger-to-org: Convert a swagger.json file into an org-mode file
- yapfify: (automatically) format python buffers using YAPF.
- myers: Random-access singly-linked lists
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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