2016-06-20 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Easy Javascript logging
- Restarting the compilation buffer in comint-mode
- RedBaron for Emacs: refactor your python method signatures with code manipulation (POC)
- Blog article about Emacs JDEE
- How should I start unit-testing (or behavior-testing?) my Emacs configuration?
- Writing a game in emacs
- github-search – find and clone github repos using their search api
- Emacs Tutorial | Setting up Ruby and RubyonRails Environment (7:28)
- Other:
- Displaying pdfs on the right
- Elfeed, cURL, and You
- If you can speak Spanish, there is a Emacs community awaiting for you on Telegram Messenger!
- Update just one package if there is a new version for install, automatically.
- Another approach to buffers: buffer-layers (Reddit)
- Emacs apt mode. Perform apt operations in Emacs buffer. (Reddit)
- Package to check markup documents such as AsciiDoc, Markdown in Emacs
- Using Emacs: Swiper – incremental search
- Call for testers for GNU Hyperbole 5.12, a large, usefulEmacs package
- New packages:
- basic-c-compile: Quickly create a basic Makefile, compile and run a C program.
- chinese-pyim-basedict: The default pinyin dict of chinese-pyim
- chinese-pyim-greatdict: A chinese-pyim dict, which include three million words.
- disable-mouse: Disable mouse commands globally
- forest-blue-theme: Emacs theme with a dark background.
- github-search: Clone repositories by searching github
- grab-mac-link: Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs
- maruo-macro-mode: Major mode for editing Hidemaru/Maruo macro script
- mini-header-line: a minimal header-line
- synquid: Major mode for editing Synquid files
- typoscript-mode: mode for TypoScript files
- unicode-escape: Escape/Unescape unicode notations
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.