2016-08-29 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- An Emacs Friendly Caps Lock Configuration on Windows
- A tweak to elfeed filtering
- Search or swipe for the current word
- Opening man pages quickly
- Editing remote files with Emacs under Windows
- Why I started learning Emacs in 2016 (Reddit)
- Using dabbrev within Isearch instead of manually typing the whole thing
- New packages:
- ac-emacs-eclim: auto-complete source for eclim
- auto-complete-distel: Erlang/distel completion backend for auto-complete-mode
- better-shell: Better shell management
- blackboard-bold-mode: Easily insert Unicode mathematical double-struck characters
- calendar-norway: Norwegian calendar
- ciel: A command that is clone of “ci” in vim.
- company-distel: Erlang/distel completion backend for company-mode
- company-emacs-eclim: company-mode backend for eclim
- company-pollen: company-mode completion backend for pollen
- coq-commenter: Coq commenting minor mode for proof
- cubicaltt: Mode for cubical type theory
- dfmt: Interface to D indenting/formatting tool dfmt.
- digit-groups: Highlight place-value positions in numbers
- dired-explorer: minor-mode provides Explorer like select file at dired.
- discourse: discourse api
- distel-completion-lib: Completion library for Erlang/Distel
- ditz-mode: Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system
- eclim: An interface to the Eclipse IDE.
- eslint-fix: Fix JavaScript files using ESLint
- eval-expr: enhanced eval-expression command
- evil-swap-keys: intelligently swap keys on text input with evil
- evil-text-object-python: Python specific evil text objects
- fix-muscle-memory: Simple hacks to fix muscle memory problems
- flimenu: Flatten imenu automatically
- flycheck-liquidhs: A flycheck checker for Haskell using liquid (i.e. liquidhaskell)
- fraktur-mode: Easily insert Unicode mathematical Fraktur characters
- ghub: minuscule client for the Github API
- glab: minuscule client for the Gitlab API
- habitica: Interface for habitica.com
- hamburger-menu: Mode line hamburger menu
- hasky-extensions: Toggle Haskell language extensions
- haxe-imports: Code for dealing with Haxe imports
- helm-pass: helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager
- helm-ros: Interfaces ROS with helm
- holiday-pascha-etc: Eastern Christian analog to holiday-easter-etc
- inferior-spim: inferior mode for spim.
- ink-mode: Major mode for writing interactive fiction in Ink
- jpop: Lightweight project caching and navigation framework
- lcb-mode: LiveCode Builder major mode
- leanote: A minor mode writing markdown leanote
- liquid-types: show inferred liquid-types
- mysql-to-org: Minor mode to output the results of mysql queries to org tables
- neon-mode: Simple major mode for editing neon files
- number-lock: Enter symbols on your number keys without pressing shift
- ob-dart: org-babel functions for Dart evaluation
- ob-nim: Babel Functions for C and Similar Languages
- ob-spice: org-babel functions for spice evaluation
- po-mode: major mode for GNU gettext PO files
- pollen-mode: major mode for editing pollen files
- read-aloud: A simple interface to TTS engines
- redprl: Major mode for editing RedPRL proofs and interacting with RedPRL
- reverse-im: Reverse mapping for keyboard layouts other than english
- salesforce-utils: simple utilities for Salesforce
- scribble-mode: Major mode for editing Scribble documents
- smali-mode: Major mode for editing Smali/Baksmali files
- smart-dash: Smart-Dash minor mode
- spice-mode: Major mode for SPICE
- transfer-sh: Simple interface for sending buffer contents to transfer.sh
- www-synonyms: insert synonym for a word
- x-path-walker: Navigation feature for JSON/XML/HTML based on path (imenu like)
- yara-mode: Major mode for editing yara rule file
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.