2016-09-05 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Rewrite git history with Emacs, magit and git rebase (15:04)
- Using Emacs – 15 – Macros (Reddit)
- slime inspect + eval
- Create and run unit test directly in Org mode.
- How to – Fuzzy autocomplete with company-flx
- Is there a command or package to close quotes and parens? general-close
- Polymode is awesome
- New Java Develop Environment for Emacs (Reddit)
- Deuce – A try to implement Emacs in Clojure (Reddit)
- ecaml – Writing Emacs Plugins in OCaml (Reddit)
- Write Emacs 25 extensions in Haskell
- Other:
- Even better email contact completion in mu4e
- Easily insert Unicode mathematical Fraktur characters
- Getting newsletters on your e-mail and reading your e-mail inside Emacs? Also, Pocket user? you may want to see this function I crafted!
- Integrate iTerm2 in your Emacs setup
- When you can't remember all key combination in Emacs – more key tips in the comments
- How to run nyan-mode in emacs at startup (2:12)
- New packages:
- company-flow: Flow backend for company-mode
- dired-launch: Use dired as a launcher
- elf-mode: Show symbols in binaries
- ereader: Major mode for reading ebooks
- flycheck-credo: flycheck checker for elixir credo
- kosmos-theme: Black and lightgray theme with not so much syntax highlighting.
- org-clock-csv: Export `org-mode' clock entries to CSV format.
- org-review: schedule reviews for Org entries
- ox-tufte: Tufte HTML org-mode export backend
- pcap-mode: Major mode for working with PCAP files
- plain-theme: Black and white theme without syntax highlighting
- rc-mode: Major mode for the Plan9 rc shell
- zoutline: Simple outline library.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.