2016-10-03 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Other:
- best feature in Emacs 25.1
- Searching for Words with eww – also, a tweak
- Emacs now suggests shorter ways of invocating a command
- ScreenShots of emacs slack client (Reddit)
- Amarok.el update to support dbus (Reddit)
- Highlighting text
- Elfeed for Android (Reddit)
- Doing better than swapping Ctrl and Capslock
- RSS feeds using elfeed (0:40)
- Emacs Basic functionality (3:29)
- New option: confirm-kill-processes
- Discussion about where to put this new Japanese translation of the GNU Emacs manual
- New packages:
- 0xc: Base conversion made easy
- ansible-vault: Minor mode for editing ansible vault files
- auto-org-md: export a markdown file automatically when you save an org-file
- color-theme-x: convert color themes to X11 resource settings
- cpanfile-mode: Major mode for cpanfiles
- direnv: Load environment variables from direnv
- dkl: Display keyboard layout.
- elisp-refs: find callers of elisp functions or macros
- gobgen: Generate GObject descendants using a detailed form
- ipcalc: IP subnet calculator
- melancholy-theme: A dark theme for dark minds
- mtg-deck-mode: Major mode to edit MTG decks
- open-in-msvs: Open current file/line/column in Microsoft Visual Studio
- podcaster: Podcast client
- ripgrep: Front-end for ripgrep, a command line search tool
- riscv-mode: Major-mode for RISC V assembly
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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