2016-10-10 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Transpose a table in org-mode
- The Fifteen Questions That You Must Answer In Your Org Mode Literate Programming Configuration
- org-export-babel-evaluate
- Secretaria.el – attempt of an assistant for you in org-mode
- Adjust the size of pictures to be shown inside org-mode
- Efficiently untangling Elisp from .org files (Reddit)
- Is there a way to convert simple HTML files to org-mode files?
- :clojureD Bonn 2016: Emacs org-mode für Einsteiger (54:41)
- Magit:
- Coding:
- Other:
- Center Buffer Text in Emacs
- Open files with the system default application
- enable upcase/downcase-region but prevent accident
- Using Emacs – 16 – Undo Tree (Reddit)
- best workflow for window layout managament
- Email notifications in Gnus
- Spacemacs 0.200 is out (Reddit)
- New Emacs package pamparam: flashcards with spaced repetition (25:07)
- Side-window-related changes
- New packages:
- chinese-number: Convert numbers between Arabic and Chinese formats
- mosey: Mosey around your buffers
- octo-mode: Major mode for Octo assembly language
- org-clock-today: Show the total clocked time of the current day in the mode line
- snapshot-timemachine-rsnapshot: rsnapshot backend for snapshot-timemachine
- tblui: Define tabulated list UI easily
- ts-comint: Run a Typescript interpreter in an inferior process window.
- webpaste: Paste to pastebin-like services
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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