2016-11-14 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Navigation:
- Edit file as another user in Emacs
- When a bookmark is a directory, do find-file from thereā¦
- 1st Plugin! Search youtube from in emacs. Play in browser/tool of choice (Reddit) Small library for Helm
- Neotree – yanking full path of note at point
- Adding a custom “watch” icon to the modeline?
- Date-sorted interactive recursive search with ivy, counsel and ag (Reddit)
- Persistent highlighting in Emacs
- Org Mode:
- Counting words in org-mode (hat-tip to Irreal for the link and a note about customization)
- Instantly insert org todo via AutoHotKey (Windows) while emacs is closed
- Styling exported Agenda HTML.
- My Emacs Writing Setup
- Emacs Lisp:
- Coding:
- Magit:
- Magit: Git in Emacs – Grumpy Gits SG (55:23)
- Productive Emacs: Magit (18:05)
- Emacs development:
- Connection-local variables
- Include a systemd user init file
- New function file-name-case-insensitive-p, case sensitivity check when renaming files
- Discussion of prefix arguments for filling text
- Discussion of performance issues with Emacs 25.1 Windows build
- Patches for url-auth
- Long philosophical discussion about lldb, Emacs, and GNU
- Long discussion regarding support for Windows 9X
- Other:
- New packages:
- all-the-icons-dired: Shows icons for each file in dired mode
- counsel-bbdb: Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy
- csv: Functions for reading and parsing CSV files.
- dante: Development mode for Haskell
- darkane-theme: A dark theme with strong colors
- emlib: A Machine Learning library for Emacs
- fluxus-mode: Major mode for interfacing with Fluxus
- flycheck-demjsonlint: Flychecker for json-mode using jsonlint from demjson
- flycheck-title: show flycheck errors in the frame title
- helm-bbdb: Helm interface for bbdb
- helm-youtube: Query YouTube and play videos in your browser
- projectile-git-autofetch: automatically fetch git repositories
- sudoku: Simple sudoku game, can download puzzles
- web-mode-edit-element: Helper-functions for attribute- and element-handling
- whizzml-mode: Programming mode for editing WhizzML files
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.