2017-01-16 Emacs News
| emacs, emacs-news- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Querying a MongoDB bibtex database with Python and emacs-lisp
- My first Emacs theme: Eziam, a mix of Tao and Leuven.
- gdb-mi or realgud?
- millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook: Jupyter and IPython 2.x/3.x notebook client in Emacs
- Mode for Assembly language
- New package for creating and fetching Github pull requests (Reddit)
- Emacs development:
- Other:
- I’m now using the right dictionary – Stardict and sdcv-mode
- A Reminder about Emacs Keybindings on MacOS
- William Denton’s config changes for Org, Projectile, Ivy, Swiper, Counsel, and Zotero
- What would you suggest for an emacs starter? Visual, keystrokes, optional etc. A bit long.
- Why Gnus?
- Introducing ivy-mode
- Migrating to Emacs, carrying my 4 years of Vim with me ! | Tech n Tips
- New packages:
- buffer-manage: manage buffers
- i3wm: i3wm integration library
- ivy-youtube: Query YouTube and play videos in your browser
- org-mime: org html export for text/html MIME emails
- passmm: A minor mode for pass (Password Store).
- rg: Use ripgrep (grep and ag replacement) like rgrep.
- stem-english: – routines for stemming English word
- ydk-mode: Language support for Yu-Gi-Oh! deck files
- zweilight-theme: A dark color theme for Emacs.
- cobol-mode: Mode for editing COBOL code
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.