2017-02-13 Emacs News
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Resetting a defvar Value
- Strange Code – dealing with faces before :inherit
- Pros and cons of Emacs’ everything is a buffer approach
- Teaching the elisp byte-compiler how to optimise dash.el functions (Reddit)
- A moderately experienced Emacs user tries Spacemacs
- BBDB on EIEIO – An Introduction to Object-Oriented Emacs Lisp
- Emacs development:
- Coding:
- C/C++ Development Environment for Emacs
- What is your preferred setup for Python?
- Recommended config/packages for golang
- Spacemacs – Using Magit With Github
- Magithub 0.1.1 released – a minor revision with major updates
- JDecomp: decompile Java classfiles
- xquery-mode/Oook-selector: Convenience tools for interacting with XQuery and MarkLogic
- Forgotten gem: JDIbug is a graphical Java debugger for Emacs with cond break, watches, locals list supporting compl obj (Reddit)
- checkpatch-mode
- My pragmatic decision on GNU Emacs versus vim for my programming (2016, HN)
- Org Mode:
- Other:
- Batch-edit file permissions in dired
- Audio Deja Vu: Audio Formatted Math On The Emacspeak Desktop
- Per frame mode/header-line (patches welcome:)) (Reddit)
- Best way to manage lots of email in the gnus summary buffer?
- Using hledger with ledger-mode
- Xah Fly Keys, now supports QWERTY layout
- paperless – an emacs assisted PDF document filing tool (Reddit)
- Using Emacs – 28 -Rectangles (Reddit)
- mu4e 0.9.18: E-Mailing with Emacs now even better. (Reddit)
- Script to send standard input into the emacs kill ring or a register (Reddit)
- GNU Emacs #6: Shell (Spanish, 11:37)
- Emacs Lisp: copy-to-buffer (French, 8:38), Emacs Lisp (8:01)
- Installing Emacs and Spacemacs Setup from Scratch MacOS (4:59)
- New packages:
- anything-tramp: Tramp with anything interface
- async-await: Async/Await
- font-lock-profiler: Coverage and timing tool for font-lock keywords.
- goose-theme: A gray color theme
- green-screen-theme: A nice color theme for those who miss green CRTs
- guess-language: Robust automatic language detection
- helm-perspeen: helm extension for perspeen.el
- helm-tramp: Tramp with helm interface
- jdecomp: Interface to Java decompilers
- madhat2r-theme: dark color theme that is easy on the eyes
- markdown-edit-indirect: Edit markdown code block in a separate buffer
- paperless: A major mode for sorting and filing PDF documents.
- pastery: paste snippets to pastery.net.
- phan: Utility functions for Phan (PHP static analizer)
- zpresent: Simple presentation mode based on org files.
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.