2017-02-20 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Navigation:
- Appearance:
- Org Mode:
- Sorting Org entries by most recent activity
- Blogging with Hugo (markdown) using org-mode, ox-pandoc, and yasnippet
- ob-async: Asynchronous src-block execution for org-babel
- Org-Mode: how to create link to a target with completion? – added to org-ref
- Sync Org with Asana
- Optimal Emacs Settings for Org-mode for Literate Programming (2016, HN)
- Other:
- New packages:
- cov: Show coverage stats in the fringe.
- dokuwiki: Edit Remote DokuWiki Pages Using XML-RPC
- eslintd-fix: use eslint_d to automatically fix js files
- flycheck-checkpatch: Flycheck support for checkpatch.pl tool
- futhark-mode: major mode for editing Futhark source files
- highlight-refontification: Visualize font-lock refontification.
- messages-are-flowing: visible indication when composing “flowed” emails
- nocomments-mode: Minor mode that makes comments invisible.
- nv-delete-back: backward delete like modern text editors
- org-table-sticky-header: Sticky header for org-mode tables
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, Youtube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.