2017-08-14 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Response to the emacshorror.com post on make-temp-name
- Continued work on possibly using a Gitlab private install for continuous integration testing
- NEWS file:
- The arguments LOCKNAME and MUSTBENEW of ‘write-region’ are propagated to file name handlers now
- New face ‘header-line-highlight’
- Show number of errors in compilation-mode mode-line
- Allow async command output buffer to be shown only on output
- dired-do-delete: Allow to delete dirs recursively without prompts
- Org Mode:
- What are the best packages / plugins for org mode?
- Which help forum? (Or, where do the cool kids hang?)
- org-parser: parses org-files into structured datatypes (Reddit)
- Generating a word cloud using GNU/Emacs and org-mode (2015)
- org mode dot emacs
- Hide :PROPERTIES: drawer
- New iOS org mode app available
- Realized that org mode is a rabbit hole
- Coding:
- Other:
- New packages:
- amx: Alternative M-x with extra features.
- cfml-mode: Emacs mode for editing CFML files
- cftag-mode: Emacs mode for editing tag-based CFML files
- company-terraform: A company backend for terraform
- dotnet: Interact with dotnet CLI tool
- eg: Norton Guide reader
- exotica-theme: A dark theme with vibrant colors
- flycheck-popup-tip: Display Flycheck error messages using popup.el
- hasky-stack: Interface to the Stack Haskell development tool
- helm-lastpass: Helm interface of LastPass
- highlight-function-calls: Highlight function/macro calls
- himp: Automatically hide imports/documentation
- jump-tree: Treat position history as a tree
- kaleidoscope: Controlling Kaleidoscope-powered devices.
- kaleidoscope-evil-state-flash: Flash keyboard LEDs when changing Evil state
- lms: Squeezebox / Logitech Media Server frontend
- neato-graph-bar: Neat-o graph bars CPU/memory etc.
- ob-crystal: org-babel functions for Crystal evaluation
- org2web: A static site generator based on org mode – renamed from org-webpage
- outline-toc: Sidebar showing a “table of contents”.
- pelican-mode: Minor mode for editing Pelican sites
- rimero-theme: Theme with a dark background suitable for UI and terminal usage.
- shrink-path: fish-style path
- vc-msg: Show commit information of current line
- windwow: simple workspace management
- yasnippet-snippets: Collection of yasnippet snippets
- zephir-mode: Major mode for editing Zephir code
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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