2017-12-04 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Please help check the Emacs 26 manual (Reddit)
- Emacs with the SpiderMonkey garbage collector (Reddit, Hacker News)
- Emacs (64-bit) for Windows with imagemagick 7
- /u/eli-zaretskii: “Emacs 26 is nearing its release… So hopefully one more pretest, and we will be ready to go.” (Reddit)
- Disable history expansion in eshell
- Add macros `thunk-let’ and `thunk-let*’
- Long discussion about scratch/widen-less a4ba846: Replace prog-widen with consolidating widen calls
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Coding:
- Other:
- A(nother) new cheatsheet
- Using Emacs – Playlist of screencasts by Mike Zamansky (Reddit)
- (emacs-nyc) (Reddit)
- Distraction-free EWW surfing
- Introducing Elbank
- Your .emacs.d should contain a Dockerfile!?
- Tips on using Emacs and avoiding Carpel Tunnel ?
- Answering “Which page did I post that comment on 2 weeks ago?” with Emacs and Elfeed
- New packages:
- celestial-mode-line: Show lunar phase and sunrise/-set time in modeline
- counsel-world-clock: Display world clock using Ivy.
- difflib: Helpers for computing deltas between objects.
- easy-jekyll: Major mode managing jekyll blogs
- eterm-256color: Customizable 256 colors for term.
- flycheck-crystal: Add support for Crystal to Flycheck
- flycheck-lilypond: LilyPond support in Flycheck
- gle-mode: Major mode to edit Graphics Layout Engine files
- go-tag: Modify tags for struct fields
- helm-z: Show z directory list with helm.el support.
- ivy-xref: Ivy interface for xref results
- latexdiff: Latexdiff integration in Emacs
- lsp-vue: Vue support for lsp-mode
- redshank: Common Lisp Editing Extensions
- sailfish-scratchbox: Sailfish OS scratchbox inside the emacs.
- scp: Use the SCP command to transfer files with the remote server
- smart-jump: Smart go to definition.
- total-lines: Keep track of a buffer’s total number of lines
- yoficator: Interactively yoficate Russian texts
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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