2018-09-03 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- org-web – A project I'm working on to view and directly edit your org files from your phone
- Linkmarks.el: Use Org-mode links for Bookmarks
- Split Org-Mode CLOCK Entry Into Two Entries (ELISP Snippet)
- Great, thorough video series on Using Org-Mode (Reddit)
- custom org-refile targets
- A blog in pure Org/Lisp (Reddit)
- Dynamic date in org table – org-timestamp-to-now
- Robust Notes with Embedded Code (Irreal)
- Coding:
- Other:
- New packages:
- bap-mode: Major-mode for BAP's IR
- blimp: Bustling Image Manipulation Package
- brutalist-theme: Brutalist theme
- build-farm: Interface for Nix and Guix build farms (Hydra and Cuirass)
- code-stats: Code::Stats plugin
- comb: Interactive grep tool for manual static analysis
- commentary-theme: A minimal theme with contrasting comments
- crystal-playground: Local crystal playground for short code snippets.
- dap-mode: Debug Adapter Protocol mode
- defrepeater: Easily make commands repeatable
- elm-test-runner: Enhanced support for running elm-test
- erlstack-mode: Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces
- flycheck-elsa: Flycheck for Elsa.
- flycheck-vdm: Syntax checking for vdm-mode
- flymake-ktlint: Flymake extension for Ktlint.
- flymake-shellcheck: A bash/sh Flymake backend
- hack-mode: Major mode for the Hack programming language
- helm-jira: Helm bindings for JIRA/Bitbucket/stash
- highlight-doxygen: Highlight Doxygen comments
- home-end: Smart multi-purpose home / end keys
- idle-highlight-in-visible-buffers-mode: highlight the word the point is on
- isolate: Surrounding tool with flexible customizations.
- ivy-ycmd: Ivy interface to ycmd
- kapacitor: Main file for kapacitor-mode
- lammps-mode: basic syntax highlighting for LAMMPS files
- linguistic: A package for basic linguistic analysis.
- lsp-p4: P4 support for lsp-mode
- lsp-ruby: Ruby support for lsp-mode
- magik-mode: mode for editing Magik + some utils.
- nodenv: Integration with nodenv
- ob-tmux: Babel Support for Interactive Terminal
- org-starter: A basic configuration framework for org mode
- org-timeline: Add graphical view of agenda to agenda buffer.
- ox-jekyll: Export Jekyll articles using org-mode.
- ox-jekyll-md: Export Jekyll on Markdown articles using org-mode.
- pact-mode: Mode for Pact, a LISPlike smart contract language.
- poly-R: Various polymodes for R language
- poly-erb: Polymode for erb
- poly-markdown: Polymode for markdown-mode
- poly-noweb: Polymode for noweb
- poly-org: Polymode for org-mode
- poly-slim: Polymodes for slim
- proof-general: A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers)
- reazon: miniKanren for Emacs
- slow-keys: Slow keys mode to avoid RSI
- srv: perform SRV DNS requests
- terminal-focus-reporting: Minor mode for terminal focus reporting.
- trinary: Trinary logic.
- vdm-mode: Major mode for the Vienna Development Method
- vdm-snippets: YASnippets for VDM mode
- vscode-icon: Utility package to provide Vscode style icons
- walkclj: Manipulate Clojure parse trees
- wdl-mode: WDL (Workflow Definition Language) major mode
- wucuo: Spell check code containing camel case words
- zeno-theme: A dark theme using different shades of blue
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.