2019-01-07 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- RFC: org-pretty-tags
- yequake-org-capture: Drop-down Org Capture frames that automatically close after capturing
- Capturing, archiving, and viewing archived web sites with Emacs and Org (screencast) (Reddit)
- Processing and visualising ORG task state changes (Reddit)
- Multiline fontification with org-emphasis-alist (Irreal)
- Quickly refile a bunch of headlines
- Emacs is great – EP 12.1, getting easy templates back (2:56)
- Emacs Is Great – EP 12, org-mode noweb links (17:37)
- Emacs Is Great – EP 11, org-mode detangle (8:00)
- Novels.org: Read Novels in plain text | Life +70 (Reddit)
- Export:
- Agenda:
- Coding:
- Company completion with content of tmux panes
- Live coding in Emacs: Drawing in the terminal with Python. (Reddit)
- A style-check.rb flycheck checker in Emacs
- The Power of Emacs: Developing Websites in Real-time with Impatient Mode
- It’s Magit! – John Weigley EmacsSF (Reddit)
- emacs-quickrun: Execute the buffer you are editing. quickrun.el is Emacs port of quickrun.vim.
- A textlint flycheck checker in Emacs (Reddit)
- Other videos and podcasts:
- Libre Lounge podcast, episode 1 includes discussions of the hosts’ use of Emacs/Org mode. (Reddit)
- Open Source Your Digital Life with Emacs – Linuxing in London – John Stevenson
- Why I use both Emacs and Vim (5:31)
- emacs talk: vim golf delete lines (11:36)
- emacs talk show. workflow. command log mode, working with raw html (23:53)
- emacs talk show, typing game, RSI, rule the world (22:15)
- emacs. demo of image scale/crop/convert jpg/png commands (16:48)
- Other:
- unpackaged/flex-fill-paragraph: Flexibly fill/unfill paragraphs
- Useful function to revert buffer or show changes made to buffer and prompt for discard/save
- emacs-ereader: Epub reader for emacs with org-mode integration
- Build Emacs for iPhone from scratch
- Marcin Borkowski: An info about the size of message attachments
- Marcin Borkowski: Emacs server and other Emacs instances
- Why Emacs keys are painful (2007) (HN)
- MSI Installer for GNU Emacs (Reddit)
- NEWS: Debian Package Tracker: emacs 1:26.1+1-3 MIGRATED to testing
- Question: How do you manage tasks & calendars with friends and family?
- Building an Emacs configuration using nixpkg
- Does emacs simplify, or create an easier complexity?
- Good summaries of Emacs strong points?
- Making Emacs easier to use?
- Looking for Emacs Users in Buenos Aires – Argentina to create an Emacs Users Group
- New packages:
- abs-mode: Major mode for the modeling language Abs
- exunit: ExUnit test runner
- idle-org-agenda: Shows your agenda when editor is idle.
- ordinal: Convert number to ordinal number notation
- scrollkeeper: Custom scrolling commands with visual guidelines
- use-package-hydra: Adds :hydra keyword to use-package macro
- clipboard-collector: Collect clipboard entries according to regex rules
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.