2019-02-18 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- REDDIT: Emacs Lisp Cheat Sheet
- Copying the Whole Buffer
- Inserting the current file name at point
- ht.el: The missing hash table library for Emacs
- modalka: Easily introduce native modal editing of your own design
- An Emacs+Nix IDE
- emacs “cl-“generic design abomination | comp.lang.lisp | Google Groups (Reddit)
- VIDEO: 2015-04-08 Emacs Lisp Development Tips with John Wiegley
- Emacs Lisp debugging:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Org Mode:
- Using results from one code block in another org-mode
- Org Contribution Flow-chart – A Scripter’s Notes (Reddit)
- List of Videos on Orgmode by John Kitchin
- Productivity and workflow:
- Other tools:
- qute-capture: Qutebrowser userscript for filing the current webpage into an org-mode file
- pinboard-org: A Python script for exporting your information from Pinboard.in as an Org mode file
- Amit’s Thoughts: Emacs org-mode and KaTeX
- Org-Kungfu: Editing Confluence pages with Org-mode (Reddit)
- How I created a web site using Org-mode without having to write a lot of elisp | John’s Blog
- goorgeous: A go org syntax parser to html
- org-toggl-py: Create Toggl entries from Emacs org-mode CLOCK entries. See https://www.toggl.com/ (Reddit)
- Org Mode on the go:
- Coding:
- Eglot based Emacs C++ IDE with clangd | ddavis.io
- Emacs and Python 3 – aliquote
- The Emacs Ipython Notebook – John Miller (Honeywell UOP): a full-featured client for the Jupyter Notebook in Emacs
- cmake-ide: Use Emacs as a C/C++ IDE
- REDDIT: Featureful one-sentence-per-line mode for AUCtex.
- Notify when M-x compile finishes
- ttl-mode: … for Turtle (RDF) files.
- CppCon 2015: Atila Neves “Emacs as a C++ IDE”
- Completion:
- Version control:
- Other:
- Learn Emacs – 2019: Most Recommended Emacs Tutorials | Hackr.io (Reddit)
- awesome-emacs: A community driven list of useful Emacs packages, libraries and others.
- Alex Schroeder: 2018-12-16 Importing old Google Plus posts
- reddit-mode: Reddit mode for Emacs
- GNEVE GNU Emacs Video Editing:: GNU Emacs video editor mode for editing video using an Edit Decision List EDL
- emacs – Mailing Lists Savannah: (Reddit)
- Keymacs – the keyboard layout for Emacs users (see also https://people.ergodox-ez.com/alex-grafov/)
- VIDEO: Emacs Is Great – Ep 28, Mastodon.el
- Jason Dufair | ErgoDox EZ: The People
- How to Install GNU Emacs 26.1 in Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, 18.10 | UbuntuHandbook
- Emacs on Chromebook
- VIDEO: Emacs Is Great – Ep 22: Using emacs, mpv and elfeed to consume YouTube videos.
- Emacs standing alone on a Linux Kernel
- md4rd: Emacs Mode for Reddit – Read Reddit from within Emacs interactively.
- Alex Schroeder: 2018-08-27 Mastodon and rcirc
- Alex Schroeder: 2018-08-30 Learning to Type
- Debian – Packages up for adoption (Reddit)
- Emacs Berlin: Next meetup is on Wednesday, February 27th 2019. Azer Koculu will present iA writer mode
- Mobile:
- New package:
- transient: Transient commands
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.