2019-02-25 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Emacs pretest 26.1.92 is out!
- How to contribute to Emacs documentation?
- emacs-devel: poor stability and security of ImageMagick – should Emacs link to ImageMagick by default?
- Linear algebra in Emacs using MKL and dynamic modules
- A New Eval Server For Emacs (by Lars Ingebrigtsen )
- Ignore pending_signals when checking for quits.
- Improve replace-buffer-contents/replace-region-contents
- Handle HTML ‘ol’ start attribute in shr.el
- * lisp/progmodes/sql.el: Added password wallet using `auth-source’ package
- Beginner:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Package management:
- Org Mode:
- Linking to emails in org-mode (using neomutt) – Stefan van der Walt
- orgit: Support for Org links to Magit buffers
- emacs-orgmode: RFC: Fixing link encoding once and for all
- How I used `ob-async’ to run tasks in the background and collect the commit history of my git project
- Running a bakery on Emacs and PostgreSQL
- Org Mode workflows:
- org-mode todo setup so far – John’s Blog (Reddit)
- Annotated Bibliography Template
- Org Speed Keys: speed up the execution of the most common tasks you do in Org Mode
- org-reverse-datetree: Reversed date trees in Org mode. Here newer contents come first.
- Org edit special show all source blocks
- emacs-calfw calendar
- Tag based vs hierarchical structure (tree) – which method of data organization do you prefer?
- Org Mode and exporting:
- Org mode blogging: Make your headlines clickable
- Sortable tables in org-mode | William R. Greene
- org-export-json: Export org mode files/elements to JSON
- org-to-xml: Library to convert Emacs org-mode files to XML
- org-mode-parser: Org mode parser for nodejs
- ox-rst: reStructuredText Back-End for Org-Mode Export Engine
- Coding:
- GitHub code review with Emacs (Reddit)
- line-reminder: Visual Studio like line annotation in Emacs.
- TIP: How to use a stable and fast environment to develop in C++
- REditorSupport/languageserver: An implementation of the Language Server Protocol for R
- Fixing attribute completion in Emacs nxml-mode | Martin Fowler
- Using Emacs as a C++ IDE – Take 2
- Code formatting:
- Community:
- MEETUP: Emacs as a Python IDE – Sean Farley @Noisebridge, San Francisco, CA on Wed, Feb 27, 2019 (Reddit)
- Quitter IM/FSFStatus: Check here for Up / Down status of all FSF related websites
- Contact Page for FSF sysadmins: Handy when elpa.gnu.org is down and your packages updates fails.
- emacs-tangents Archives: Detailed recaps of the happenings of the Emacs community (Reddit)
- Looking for maintainers for Emacs-Dashboard
- Donate to CIDER, a Clojure interactive development environment
- All Things Emacs Bundle (Reddit)
- I’m Brian Fox, I am the first employee at Richard Stallman’s Free Software And This Is How I Work | LifeHacker (Reddit)
- Other:
- Weekly tips/trick/etc/ thread
- WakaTime for Emacs: productivity metrics, goals, leaderboards, and automatic time tracking
- Smooth Video Game Emulation in Emacs
- A minor mode for Dvorak (Reddit)
- Emacs bindings for libsodium (Give feedback for my first C module)
- Palimpsest: various strategies when deleting text
- google-maps.el: Google Maps support for Emacs
- lentic: Lentic allows two buffers to share the same content but otherwise operate independently.
- selectric-mode: Make your Emacs sound like a proper typewriter.
- ACM Digital Library (2019) | Intelligently recommending key bindings on physical keyboards with demonstrations in Emacs (Reddit)
- Notes on the path from EXWM to EXDE
- How to install Emacs (on Linux) under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)
- Emacs Modified for macOS: bundled with a few select packages for R developers and LaTeX users (Reddit)
- New packages:
- disk-usage: Sort and browse disk usage listings
- dired-git-info: Show git info in dired
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
1 comment
Northmount Dental Care
2019-06-05T06:17:18ZNice Information. Thanks for sharing Information.