2019-03-25 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs Lisp:
- Best elisp docs I have seen yet! (Reddit)
- emacs-fu: IELM: a REPL for emacs
- eros: Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp.
- speed-of-thought-lisp: Write elisp at the speed of thought. Emacs minor mode with abbrevs and keybinds.
- lisp-extra-font-lock: Highlight `let’-bound variables, ticks and backticks
- emacs-widget-mvc: Web like MVC framework for emacs lisp
- Debugging Elisp Part 2: Advanced topics – Endless Parentheses
- Emacs development:
- Release Candidate 1 for Emacs 26.2 Is Out
- What are the most complicated areas of the Emacs codebase?
- i18n: Add function ngettext for pluralization.
- * lisp/progmodes/xref.el (xref–show-xrefs): Push mark. (Bug#34908)
- If the region is active, join all the lines it spans
- * etc/NEWS: Document seq-contains-p.
- * lisp/eshell/em-cmpl.el: Use completion-at-point i.s.o pcomplete
- Disallow reversed char ranges in `rx’
- Emacs configuration:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- helm-fasd: An async helm source of fasd searches. ‘Fasd’ offers quick access to files and dirs and is inspired by autojump, z and v.
- Drag and drop text in Emacs. (Reddit)
- Emacs Versor: Versatile Cursors
- move-lines: Emacs: moves current line or lines surrounding region up or down.
- Introduction to Helm: ‘Helm’ is an incremental completion and selection narrowing framework for Emacs.
- selections menu bar menu
- Org Mode:
- stripe-buffer: Add stripes to Orgmode Tables (or a list of buffers). (Reddit)
- notdeft: Note manager for Emacs that uses Xapian
- org-mode-ox-odt: The Authoritative fork of Org mode’s ODT exporter (Reddit)
- ORG-NEWS: org-habit: C-u K in agenda toggles display all/today habits – 2e92b9abb9 – Gogs
- ORG-NEWS: Function to switch your links from old syntax to the *new” syntax – 07d0c9edbc – Gogs
- ORG-NEWS: org-agenda: Add org-agenda-breadcrumbs-separator
- Coding:
- eval-in-repl: Consistent ESS-like eval interface for various REPLs (Reddit)
- Managing a client & server during development with Emacs (Reddit)
- diff-hl: Emacs package for highlighting uncommitted changes
- uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim
- tide: Tide – TypeScript Interactive Development Environment for Emacs
- Extracting the abstract syntax tree from GCC LWN.net:
- ObjC language server supporting cross references, hierarchies, completion and semantic highlighting
- TDDing a Java application using Emacs
- ebnf-mode: Extended Backus-Naur Form mode for Emacs
- executor.el: A set of tools aimed at working with executor entrypoints, i.e. Makefiles, docker-compose files, npm commands, etc
- Ivy-compile.el: Maintain all your compilation commands. Use helm/ivy to prompt you for one.
- Prolog development with GNU Emacs (10:14)
- Go:
- Math:
- Literate Theorem Proving with Coq & Org
- Taking Notes in LaTeX – UltiSnips and Vim; port to Emacs, maybe?
- Version control:
- Community:
- Boston Emacs Meetup Tuesday, March 26
- Stockholm Emacs meetup: March 20, 2019
- Emacs Meetup in Frankfurt/Main Germany
- HELP: Review/Provide feedback on “State of Emacs 2019” questions
- ClojureNorth Apr 19-20, 2019, Toronto – will be recorded; no Emacs-specific talks, but may be of interest
- Other:
- Emacs Is Great – Ep 39, Notifications (15:13)
- Deleting Blank Lines
- numbering rows/lines
- synosaurus: An extensible thesaurus mode for emacs
- Basic kakoune emulation inside emacs (Reddit)
- Having Emacs Type for You
- Happy Birthday By Emacs
- erc-sasl: ERC with SASL
- GNU Emacs Manual 18th edition (FSF): Brief Review
- puntoblogspot: emacs-like browsing in firefox and chrome
- homebrew-emacs-head: Emacs formulae for the Homebrew package manager
- Is Emacs an Argument against the Unix Tradition? (by Eric S Raymond)
- Everytime I Try Explaining Emacs to Non-Users (Reddit)
- Running Emacs without the fat
- Free Emacs key bindings
- History Of Font Lock In Emacs (Reddit)
- New packages:
- arc-dark-theme: Arc dark theme
- bnf-mode: Major mode for editing BNF grammars
- chronometer: a [not so] simple chronometer
- cyberpunk-2019-theme: A retina-scorching cyberpunk theme
- double-saber: Narrow and delete in search buffers.
- flycheck-ini-pyinilint: Flycheck integration for PyINILint
- lsp-treemacs: LSP treemacs
- nz-holidays: New Zealand public holidays for calendar.
- oer-reveal: OER with reveal.js, plugins, and org-re-reveal
- org-pretty-tags: Surrogates for tags
- poly-rst: poly-rst-mode polymode
- pubmed: Interface to PubMed
- quilt: Minor mode for working with files in quilt
- frog-menu: Quickly pick items from ad hoc menus
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.