2019-04-22 Emacs news
| emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- How to make a menu in Emacs
- Some Performance Advantages of Lexical Scope
- names: A Namespace implementation for Emacs-Lisp
- datetime: Library for parsing, formatting, matching and recoding timestamps and date-time format strings.
- A partial symbolic numeric solver in emacs-lisp
- myterminal-controls: An Emacs extension for quick-toggle controls
- The Bug Hunter: Automatically debug and bisect your init (.emacs) file!
- Emacs development:
- A more comprehensive ChangeLog for Emacs 26.2
- Emacs Dynamic Modules in Rust 0.8.0: Improved ergonomics with #defun: (Reddit)
- spongebob: Memetically mock a region of text in Emacs.
- A comprehensive introduction to writing Emacs modules in Rust using ’emacs-module-rs’
- Remove :stop key from make-process.
- Add a new user option ‘ido-big-directories’.
- * etc/NEWS: Mention new xref faces (bug#23179)
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Emacs Notes: How I shortlist add-ons for my Emacs: Introducing `tablist
- diverted.el: Identify temporary diversions and automatically move point back to original location
- ripgrep: Recursively search directories for a regex pattern
- projectile-manual-root: Manually specify project roots to be used by projectile
- phi-search.el: Another incremental search & replace, compatible with “multiple-cursors”
- Org Mode:
- orgnav: Quickly navigate and search your emacs org trees; capture and organize with the help of helm
- How an Uber-Geeky Text Mode in a 40-Year-Old Editor Saved My Novel (Reddit)
- ORG-NEWS: Mention parameter :dbconnection for org-babel-execute:sql – f3e7dcd174 – Gogs
- Emacs’ Org Mode will improve your software engineering
- Changing the org-mode ellipsis – Endless Parentheses
- org-index: A personal adaptive index for org.
- org-mode: set effort of headline from sum of efforts in children
- Coding:
- flycheck-posframe: Show flycheck errors via posframe.el
- poly-markdown: Polymode for markdown-mode
- polymode: Framework for Multiple Major Modes in Emacs (core library)
- pico8-mode: PICO-8 is a fantasy console for making, sharing and playing tiny games and other computer programs.
- haskell-tng: how would we support Haskell in GNU Emacs if we started today?
- facundo-erlang.el — Emacs Prelude: Erlang programming support.
- Helpful Emacs python-mode-hooks, especially for type hinting
- flycheck-pos-tip: This Flycheck extension shows errors under point in pos-tip popups.
- Robe 0.8.2 released (Reddit)
- Mail:
- History:
- Other:
- Emacs Dashboard: An extensible emacs startup screen showing you what’s most important.
- side-notes: Easy access to a notes file in Emacs
- My Emacs Workflow: projects, navigation, editing (16:25) (Reddit)
- Olivetti is a simple Emacs minor mode for a nice writing environment.
- Additional font locks for Markdown in Emacs – John Bokma
- View and annotate PDFs in Emacs with PDF-tools | Pragmatic Emacs
- MSI Installer for GNU Emacs 26.2 for Windows
- eshell-toggle: Show/hide eshell at the bottom of active window with directory of its buffer
- tmtxt-async-tasks: Execute shell command asynchronously in a separate window
- HoW tO tYpE tExT lIkE tHiS iN eMaCs?
- From Vim to Emacs in Fourteen Days
- Emacs Implementations Available For No Charge
- Remacs FAQ (Reddit)
- New packages:
- aio: async/await for Emacs Lisp
- battle-haxe: A Haxe development system, with code completion and more
- csproj-mode: Work with .NET project files (csproj, vbproj)
- dash-docs: Offline documentation browser using Dash docsets.
- flow-js2-mode: Support for flow annotations in js2-mode
- flycheck-clj-kondo: Add clj-kondo linter to flycheck
- flymake-eslint: A Flymake backend for Javascript using eslint
- freeradius-mode: major mode for FreeRadius server config files
- gcmh: the Garbage Collector Magic Hack
- git-identity: Identity management for (ma)git
- gn-mode: major mode for editing GN (generate ninja) files
- gnus-summary-repo: Import and export files between IMAP and local by using GNUS
- goto-char-preview: Preview character when executing `goto-char` command.
- isearch-project: Incremental search through the whole project.
- lsp-origami: origami.el support for lsp-mode
- lsp-pyre: lsp-mode client for python using pyre
- lsp-python-ms: lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server
- magit-libgit: Libgit functionality
- mermaid-mode: major mode for working with mermaid graphs
- mood-line: A minimal mode-line inspired by doom-modeline.
- pdf-view-restore: Support for opening last known pdf position in pdfview mode
- pepita: Run Splunk search commands, export results to CSV/HTML/JSON
- poe-lootfilter-mode: Major mode for editing Path of Exile lootfilters
- sv-kalender-namnsdagar: Swedish celebrated name of the day
- theme-magic: Apply your Emacs theme to the rest of Linux
- which-key-posframe: Using posframe to show which-key
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacsen.org, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.