2019-04-29 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Garbage Collector Magic Hack (Reddit)
- Export major version of latest Emacs supported by emacs-module.h.
- Update multicolor font support status
- Fix Bug#33618; define search path variables for grep, byte-compile
- Use lexical-binding by default for M-:, –eval, and scratch
- Add module functions to convert from and to big integers.
- Add conversions to and from struct timespec to module interface.
- Appearance:
- theme-magic will extract the colors from your Emacs theme and apply them to the rest of Linux with Pywal.
- parchment: A light editor theme for Vim and Emacs, inspired by Acme and Leuven
- power-line: A new implementation of Powerline for Emacs
- mood-line: A minimal mode-line configuration for Emacs, inspired by doom-modeline.
- emacs-theme-darktooth: Darktooth : From the darkness… it watches.
- Navigation:
- ‘fd’ is a simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
- isearch-project: Incremental search through the whole project.
- goto-char-preview: Preview character position in buffer when executing goto-char command.
- sublimity: smooth-scrolling and minimap for Emacs (inspired by sublime editor)
- New package: Pepita, run a Splunk search, get results in a buffer
- Org Mode:
- Literature Management with Emacs
- Orgmode-TV: How I Plan My Days
- EmacsCast 9: Writing in Emacs and Org mode, part 2 (Reddit)
- Blogging with Emacs and Org-mode (Reddit)
- ORG-NEWS: New LATEX_ATTR ‘:scale’
- poly-org: Polymode for org-mode (Reddit)
- Automate refiling according to tag?
- Intro to Org Babel Tangle
- The Org Mode 9.1 Reference Manual by Carsten Dominik (FSF): Brief Review of the Hard Copy
- Spacemacs:
- Coding:
- With the exception of C and lisps, which programming languages have the most complete, mature and multi-platform support on Emacs?
- flymake-eslint: Flymake backend for Javascript using eslint
- GN-mode: Edit GN (ninja generator) config files common in Chromium-derived projects like Chrome and (Anaheim) Edge.
- Emacs Live is designed from the ground up to create an insane Clojure hacking experience
- Helm Dash: Use Dash docsets inside emacs to browse documentation
- Evaluation overlays in slime for common lisp
- ac-php: emacs auto-complete & company-mode for php
- nasm-mode: Major mode for NASM x86 assembly programs
- helm-compile: Select/edit compilation command using Helm
- The Ultimate Guide To Indentation in Emacs (Tabs and Spaces)
- Preview in emacs using Chemdraw
- Phantom Inline Comment: Add Inline Comments That Do Not Affect the Source Code (Reddit)
- Anyone doing Android development?
- docker.el: Manage docker from Emacs.
- Your opinion on best config for python development?
- snakemake-mode: support for Snakemake for create reproducible and scalable data analyses.
- company-coq: IDE extensions for Proof General’s Coq mode
- Version control:
- Mail:
- An Easy Tutorial for Setting Up Mu4e and Mbsync
- A quickguide to connecting emacs and Protonmail Bridge
- 2019 – Which e-mail client to use?
- Helm-mu – A Helm front-end for the maildir indexer mu and the mail user agent mu4e
- gnus-summary-repo: Import and export files between IMAP and local by using GNUS
- Community:
- Other:
- New Dashboard of Centaur Emacs (Reddit)
- How to turn-off Emacs frame refocus on macOS
- Inscrutability of C-x 4 and C-x 5 (Reddit)
- emacs-giphy: An emacs function for generating markdown links to giphy
- emacs-chat: emacs wrapper for pidgin instant messager
- gopher.el: An Emacs mode to browse Gopher.
- Basic Emacs Command Explained in Detail
- aerique’s EXWM Functions ($1850375) – Snippets – GitLab
- Episode 1: The Right Mindset for Emacs | EmacsCast
- Now that Homebrew has removed build options, how do I get Imagemagick support for emacs on Mac OS?
- Doubt about how hard is to get into emacs.
- Emacspeak: How the blind use Emacs
- What’s the current wisdom for keeping configs synced across multiple machines?
- I wished GNU Emacs had… – Sebastian Wiesner (Reddit)
- sv-kalender-namnsdagar: Calendar function for the swedish celebrated name of the day
- Best way to learn emacs? Vanilla, Spacemacs, or something else?
- which-key-posframe: Let emacs-which-key use posframe to show its popup.
- counsel-spotify: Control Spotify App through Emacs
- taskpaper-mode: Emacs TaskPaper Mode (Reddit)
- Emacs vs VI: Which is better | Unixmen
- New packages:
- github-explorer: Explore a GitHub repository on the fly
- helm-bitbucket: Search Bitbucket with Helm
- helm-catkin: Package for compile ROS workspaces with catkin-tools
- jq-format: Reformat JSON and JSONLines using jq
- json-reformatter-jq: reformat json using jq
- monokai-pro-theme: A simple theme based on the Monokai Pro Sublime color schemes
- mood-one-theme: A dark color scheme inspired by the Doom One theme.
- mu4e-overview: Show overview of maildir
- ovpn-mode: an openvpn management mode
- parchment-theme: Light theme inspired by Acme and Leuven
- perfect-margin: auto center windows, work with minimap and/or linum-mode
- slime-repl-ansi-color: Turn on ANSI colors in REPL output;
- gnu-elpa-keyring-update: Update Emacs’s GPG keyring for GNU ELPA
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
You can comment with Disqus (JS required) or you can e-mail me at sacha@sachachua.com.