2019-06-03 Emacs news
Posted: - Modified: | emacs, emacs-news- Emacs configuration:
- mclear-tools’ literate emacs configuration. Look at config.org to see how it all is put together.
- lain-emacs: A modern(?) day Emacs configuration for the stubborn dvorak vimmer
- Interesting Emacs packages: leaf.el and feather.el
- Year of Emacs: Starting init.el
- The Pepe Emacs config
- As is tradition, let’s share our .emacs with each other and learn and trade tips! (Reddit)
- Emacs Lisp:
- Emacs development:
- Appearance:
- Navigation:
- Emacs Doom E04 – Buffers, Windows and Basic Navigation (Reddit)
- minions: Provide a menu of enabled and popular minor-modes
- ivy-goto-char: Go to next CHAR which is similar to “f” and “t” in vim
- emacs-direnv: direnv integration for emacs
- perspective-el: Perspectives for Emacs.
- Using Emacs – 6 – Searching a Swiper
- Org Mode:
- org mode is awesome – YouTube
- outshine: Org-mode for non-Org buffers
- beOrgApp: Be organized, be in control Task management for iPhone and iPad
- Org and coding:
- Org and TODOs:
- Create Gantt charts with Org & TaskJuggler
- Org-mode Hidden Gems – 4 TODO Items (Reddit)
- emacs-todoist: interact with todoist.com for task management
- hack-time-mode: Hack your time so that you can (a) Mark todo-items as done at another date (b) View agenda as if it was tomorrow etc
- El Kanban Org: parse org-mode todo-states to use org-tables as Kanban tables
- Org and publishing:
- Org capture:
- Coding:
- ejc-sql: Emacs SQL client uses Clojure JDBC.
- Geiser: generic Emacs/Scheme interaction with an enhanced REPL and a set of minor modes
- Using Emacs as an IDE – the Common Lisp Cookbook
- Flycheck vs Flymake
- Using R with Emacs and ESS – A Multifunctional Environment
- eglot: A client for Language Server Protocol servers
- emacs-flyspell-visible-mode: Minor-mode to be used with flyspell to ensure all on-sceen text has been checked.
- enhanced-ruby-mode: An enhanced ruby-mode for Emacs that uses Ripper in ruby 1.9+ to highlight and indent the source code
- realgud-jdb: Provides realgud support for the Java’s jdb debugger.
- C|C++ Development Environment for Emacs
- line-reminder: Line annotation similar to Visual Studio.
- Auto-generate “creator” PDF metadata in AUCTeX using yasnippet
- project-abbrev: per-project abbrev expansion
- PDF: Programming Clojure with Emac
- lsp-yaml: YAML support for lsp-mode using yaml-language-server.
- I wrote some elisp to insert pretty comments. Please code review! :) (Reddit)
- python-docstring-mode: Emacs minor-mode for editing Python docstrings.
- It’s Magit! Help making it better
- Community:
- Other:
- GNU Hyperbole 7.0.3 is released and ready for action
- Watch “GNU Hyperbole tutorial (by Robert Weiner)” on YouTube
- beancount.el — A minor mode that can be used to edit beancount input files.
- Screencasts showcasing Emacs tips/tricks
- ledger-mode: Emacs Lisp files for interacting with the C++Ledger accounting system
- helm-linux-disks: Mount volumes in Linux through udisks2 with minimal support for LVM.
- mount-mode: Mount and unmount devices from emacs
- Brief summary of some Emacs features
- Using CLI Commands in Emacs (Reddit)
- exwm-gnome-flashback: Support files for starting EXWM (the Emacs X Window Manager) in a GNOME-Flashback session
- shift-number: Decrease the number at point
- markovkeyboard: Keyboard layout that changes by markov frequency (Reddit)
- Nicolas Martyanoff: Reading RFC documents in Emacs
- Did you know that the Eshell is awesome?
- Debating On Using Emacs… Hacker Culture podcast
- moon-phase: Output the current phase of the moon in emoji form. This package is inspired by lunar.el
- Emacs on an iPad without jailbreaking it – It can be done!
- GNU Zile is a text editor development kit. It comes with an example implementation of a lightweight Emacs clone, called Zemacs. (Reddit)
- New packages:
- almost-mono-themes: Almost monochromatic color themes
- cfrs: child-frame based read-string
- countdown: Countdown using big LCD-like digits
- ctune: Tune out CC Mode Noise Macros
- dianyou: Search and analyze mails in Gnus
- flycheck-clolyze: Add Clolyze to to flycheck
- janet-mode: Defines a major mode for Janet
- kakoune: A simulation, but not emulation, of kakoune
- key-quiz: Emacs Keys Quiz
- lolcat: Rainbows and unicorns!
- ros: Package to interact with and write code for ROS systems
- todoist: Extension for interacting and managing todoist tasks
Links from reddit.com/r/emacs, /r/orgmode, /r/spacemacs, /r/planetemacs, Hacker News, planet.emacslife.com, YouTube, the changes to the Emacs NEWS file, and emacs-devel.
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